The ecological situation in the world can be safely called critical. Man's relationship with nature has become one-sided. A person consumes more and more and does not at all think about the fact that more and more forests are being cut down, the air is being polluted and water resources are being depleted. Huge mountains of non-decomposable garbage are accumulating, which ends up in the world's oceans, because of which animals suffer and die, people get sick. Anyone can protect and take care of nature by just changing their habits a little and learning some simple things.

Several garbage buckets, a cloth bag, a mug or glass with a lid, mustard powder, a bicycle
Step 1
Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth, use a glass to rinse your mouth. Install water meters at home. If you need to wash, take a shower instead of a bath. Machine wash when a lot of items have accumulated. Water your houseplants with cut-flower water. Check for leaking taps and water in the toilet.
Step 2
Take your package to the store so as not to buy a new one at the checkout. Sew or buy yourself a fabric shopping bag. It can be not only environmentally friendly, but also beautiful, especially if it is painted or bought with a ready-made bright pattern. One of the worst environmental problems is a plastic bag, and indeed plastic packaging in general. The particles that are produced when plastic is burned are very poisonous and they end up in water, in the ground, in the air and in food for animals. And polyethylene, if it just lies in the ground, practically does not decompose. Reduce the use of such packaging, buy cereals in a cardboard box and juice in a glass bottle. Do not pack one vegetable or fruit in a transparent bag, stick the price tag directly on it. If you don't want to use a rag bag, at least take the bags from home.
Step 3
Organize separate waste collection at home and at work. Recycle - glass, plastic and paper separately. Organic waste - potato skins, vegetable leftovers, etc., can be taken to the dacha, let it rot and turn into fertilizer.
Step 4
Don't buy disposable tableware. Don't drink take-out coffee in now-trendy coffee shops, or carry your mug with you. In stores, you can find special cups for hot drinks with lids. At the same time, stand out from the crowd.
Step 5
Use environmentally friendly dishwashing detergents, floors. Use a shampoo and shower gel that is free of harmful substances. They can be ordered on special sites, or you can use folk methods. For example, washing dishes with mustard powder, it perfectly cleans away all fat. And rinse your hair not with conditioner, but with a decoction of herbs. Every year the water becomes dirtier, and the use of chemistry has a primary effect on this.
Step 6
Try to use as little electricity as possible, as it increases carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Get chargers from the network when they are not charging gadgets. Do not leave your phone charging overnight. Turn off the lights when you leave the room. Turn off all electrical appliances that are not working at the moment, from outlets, such as a blender, toaster, kettle, microwave oven.
Step 7
Buy or ask someone you know about tree saplings or flower seeds. Plant them in your backyard, country house, or anywhere else.
Step 8
Put a box for unnecessary pieces of paper from boxes and a jar for collecting batteries in your entrance. Recycle waste paper and batteries.
Step 9
Ride your bike or walk when the weather permits. This will save the air from exhaust fumes. Plus, even for those who always drive, there are ways to get around in a sustainable way.
Step 10
Reduce consumption, buy only the clothes you need, preferably of good quality, so that you can wear them for a long time. Buy in stocks and second-hand stores. Take it at free fairs. Do not throw out clothes that are no longer needed, give them to shelters or just people in need.