How To Grind Skis

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How To Grind Skis
How To Grind Skis

Video: How To Grind Skis

Video: How To Grind Skis
Video: How To Grind On Skis | Learn In Under A Day! 2025, January

Before renewing wooden skis, they must be thoroughly soaked in resin. This will make your purchase more resistant to wear and tear, protect the material from drying out and cracking. In the future, you need to apply lubricant regularly - every time you prepare sports equipment for a new season. The tarring of the sliding surface is especially important in the spring, when the melting snow begins to stick to the skis and interferes with normal movement.

How to grind skis
How to grind skis

It is necessary

  • - ski resin (birch tar);
  • - sandpaper;
  • - brush with brass packing;
  • - ointment remover;
  • - synthetic rags;
  • - gas burner (soldering iron, gas stove, fire);
  • - brush;
  • - soil and ointment for holding (or silver);
  • - spacer;
  • - protective gloves.


Step 1

Prepare the wooden skis for resin treatment. Work over it with fine sandpaper and then with a brass-padded brush. You can also rinse the skis with a special ointment remover, clean them with a synthetic cloth and let them dry properly (some amateur skiers omit the last procedure).

Step 2

Heat the skis with a gas torch, a soldering iron, or just over a campfire flame - this will increase the absorbency of the lubricant. Be careful not to burn yourself, and don't overdo it or you will twist or carbonize your sports equipment.

Step 3

Pour special ski resin onto the skis and use a brush to spread a thin layer over the entire surface and groove. You can replace this product with birch tar. Rubbing skis with a paraffin candle is not worth it - usually after that they slide too much, especially uphill.

Step 4

Experienced skiers recommend leaving the equipment tarred with the first layer of grease alone for a day so that they are well saturated; then you can start heating them.

Step 5

Run the torch over tarry skis (or a sliding surface over a fire) quickly and evenly to avoid burning any part of the wood. Heat the resin until brown.

Step 6

Wipe the inventory with a synthetic rag and repeat the gumming process 2-3 more times. Pay special attention to the lighter areas and the front and back areas. Properly tarred skis should be completely dry to the touch.

Step 7

Before preparing new skis for the winter season, after lubricating with resin, it is recommended to also apply a special primer to the sliding surface, and then a holding ointment. Pick up a product at a sporting goods store according to the current weather conditions and proceed as directed. In warm weather, to prevent snow “sticking”, you can cover the skis with the so-called silver coat (one part of aluminum powder and two parts of paraffin).