How To Prepare A Business Card For A Competition

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How To Prepare A Business Card For A Competition
How To Prepare A Business Card For A Competition

Video: How To Prepare A Business Card For A Competition

Video: How To Prepare A Business Card For A Competition
Video: How to Design a Business Card | Do's and Don'ts for Business Card Design 2025, January

A business card is a tool that will help present a person in the most favorable light. The information contained in it should briefly and clearly describe what the competitor can do and what skills he possesses.

How to prepare a business card for a competition
How to prepare a business card for a competition


Step 1

A business card can be made in paper or electronic form (to be sent by mail or to a mailbox on the Internet), or written as a script for a speech. In any case, when writing this introductory letter, introduce yourself, indicate your age and education (class, institute, faculty).

Step 2

Compose a text that reflects your extraordinary abilities, success in this or that business. Focus on the terms of the competition. If this is a creative evening, write about yourself in verse, choosing an unusual syllable. Or perform a song and attach a music file to your letter.

Step 3

If you want to participate in the competition for the best mathematical, chemical, physical knowledge, add examples of difficult problems that you solved to your letter.

Step 4

Accompany the text with photographs. They don't have to be standard. Try to reflect your talents in your pictures. Make the images so that they interest the jury.

Step 5

If you can and love to draw, attach your work to the message. Even in the exact sciences competition, this ability can be appreciated.

Step 6

If you have to present your business card in person, in front of the jury, make it up as a script for your speech. Write down by the minute what you will do, how you go on stage, how you greet the audience.

Step 7

Do not write complex texts with words unfamiliar to the general public. Prepare a light, fun presentation. Standing on the stage, imagine that everyone in the audience is your good friend. Tell them about yourself as you do in a friendly company.

Step 8

If you've composed a song for your business card, consider the music. Find out if there will be a tape recorder and speakers at the competition, and bring along a disc with the desired melody.

Step 9

Think about what your costume will be. Here you should pay attention to the theme of the competition. For a serious event, prepare a classic blazer, shirt, pants, or skirt. For creative evenings, you can choose any outfit that reflects your business card.

Step 10

Be sure to practice your performance. It is desirable that not only friends but also strangers see it. Ask them to tell you what needs to be changed, what words were not clear, what impression is created in general.