How People Appeared On The Planet

How People Appeared On The Planet
How People Appeared On The Planet

There are many theories about the origin of people on the planet. Some of them are scientific and have a lot of evidence, others are fantastic. But all of them are still only theories.

How people appeared on the planet
How people appeared on the planet

In ancient times, as now, people also had a lot of theories about their origin. There were versions that people emerged from silt, from the sea and the sky, from the gods … Having reached modern times, these views were partially preserved, transformed. And now there are several basic theories of the origin of people.

One of the oldest such versions, still alive today, is the theory of divine origin. The story of the first people - Adam and Eve - is already a common place. Similar ideas exist not only among Christians, but also in a number of other religions. The main thing in them is that man descended from God. Raised in the Christian faith, the entire Western civilization adhered to this version until Charles Darwin appeared.

Darwin cited evidence that humans evolved from apes. This is the so-called evolutionary theory: through natural selection and the survival of the fittest, more adaptable species emerged, which eventually turned into what we mean by modern man. For the most part, the scientific community still adheres to this particular version. Although scientists have found a number of facts that do not fit into the theory, science has not yet been able to refute it.

One of the most fantastic, but still has a whole army of adherents, is the theory of alien origin. There are many versions of it, but all are similar in one thing: aliens descended to Earth and populated it with intelligent beings - people. The purpose of this event is interpreted in different ways. A number of supporters believe that humans are part of the alien experiment. Others imagine that we are a kind of "mission of goodwill", called to cultivate life on our planet. Some researchers find confirmation in the religions of the most ancient civilizations - Maya, Egyptians, but in general science rejects this theory.