Who Are The Androgynous

Who Are The Androgynous
Who Are The Androgynous

The word "androgyne" is literally translated from Greek as "man-woman." In other words, we are talking about a creature whose sex cannot be determined, but not because it is sexless, but because it combines the characteristics of both sexes.

Ancient Greek depiction of the androgyne
Ancient Greek depiction of the androgyne

Androgynes, strange bisexual creatures, are spoken of in myths and legends of different peoples. But modern science also speaks of real-life androgynes, in whom there is nothing miraculous or fantastic.

Androgynes in mythology

The term "androgyne" was born in ancient Greek culture. The mythological story about these amazing creatures was presented by the famous philosopher Plato in his "Feast" dialogue. For the philosopher, this story served as the basis for the doctrine of Eros.

According to Plato, androgynes were bisexual, spherical creatures. The last detail may seem ridiculous to a modern person, but do not forget that in ancient philosophy the ball was considered the most perfect figure, therefore, Plato hints at the perfection of androgynes. Such a creature possessed two pairs of arms, legs, ears, two faces looking in different directions.

Androgynes, proud of their perfection, challenged the gods. The gods were able to defeat them in only one way - by dividing each androgynous into two halves: male and female. This is how people appeared - men and women who cannot feel perfect until they find their "other half", with which Eros connects them.

Androgyny from the point of view of psychology

As bizarre as the myths are, they represent a refraction of real-life phenomena. Androgynism is also quite real. The androgynous nature of the human psyche was discussed, in particular, by the Swiss psychologist C. G. Jung. According to the scientist, the realities of life make a person “only a woman” or “only a man”, but this does not lead to anything good: a person unconsciously feels his inferiority, and only the restoration of the original androgynous integrity can help him.

Modern psychologists interpret the concept of androgyny from the standpoint of gender roles - social roles corresponding to a particular gender.

Certain behavioral traits correspond to each gender role. The complex of masculine traits is called masculinity, and feminine traits. With the help of special tests, psychologists determine which complex of features prevails in a particular person - masculinity or femininity. The dominant gender traits do not always correspond to the biological sex - for example, there are women who demonstrate the traits traditionally considered masculine - firmness, aggressiveness.

But there are people who are equally masculine and feminine. Psychologists call such people androgynous.

Androgynes should not be confused with hermaphrodites - people who, as a result of a congenital anomaly, possess both male and female reproductive organs. Hermaphrodite is a biological characteristic, and androgyne is a psychological one.