What To Do If Accidentally Farted In Front Of Everyone

What To Do If Accidentally Farted In Front Of Everyone
What To Do If Accidentally Farted In Front Of Everyone

The human body can make various sounds, and some of them cannot be contained. Sneezing, coughing, bubbling in the stomach, belching and letting go of gas - of all these sounds, the last is considered the most indecent.

What to do if accidentally farted in front of everyone
What to do if accidentally farted in front of everyone

How gases are formed

Gas in the intestine consists of several components - inhaled air; blood gas; gas, which is obtained as a result of chemical reactions taking place in the body; gas produced by bacteria in the intestines.

The composition of the gases exiting the body depends on several factors - the composition of the food, the amount of air inhaled, the intestinal microflora, and the time of gas containment.

Gas travels down the intestine as the intestine compresses the gas and directs it into the anus. This process is called peristalsis. This process begins as soon as food enters the body. Therefore, most often it is necessary to release gases after a meal.

Peristalsis creates a high-pressure zone that forces intestinal contents (including gases) to move into the low-pressure area near the anus. Since gas molecules are more mobile than other components of the intestine, they collect in one large bubble and move towards the exit.

The sound when gases are released from the anus is due to the fact that the sphincter prevents them from escaping. It is this sound that gives out "from the head" of a person who released gases in society. And according to the rules of etiquette, letting out gases in public is considered bad form.

What to do if farted in public

Farting is indecent, but not always a person is able to keep his body within the bounds of decency. If you accidentally farted in front of everyone, and those around you noticed it, then you need to apologize. Otherwise, you can not focus on this, i.e. pretend nothing happened.

When releasing gases in a public place, you can try to mask this sound with some other loud sound - coughing, sneezing, moving a chair, talking loudly. If you nevertheless paid attention to the sound, then try to smile, show with gestures “Well, what can you do” and continue going about your business.

If you let out gases in front of everyone, and you noticed this, you can try to wrap it all up as a joke. In the end, everyone has embarrassment, you should not make a tragedy out of this situation.

In order not to be embarrassed

The fact that not everything is in order with your intestines at the moment can be felt in advance. Try to go to a secluded area (ideally a toilet) to release the gases there.

To avoid the formation of a lot of gas in your body, you should eat with your mouth closed, chewing food thoroughly. Don't eat a lot of legumes before heading out to a public place. Smoking, chewing gum, and carbonated drinks also contribute to the formation of gases.
