How To Find Venus In The Sky

How To Find Venus In The Sky
How To Find Venus In The Sky

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Astronomical observation is an extremely interesting activity. Venus is one of the brightest celestial bodies available for observation by an amateur astronomer. How to find this planet in the sky?

How to find Venus in the sky
How to find Venus in the sky


Step 1

Arm yourself with a telescope. Venus looks like a bright star in the sky, it can be seen with the naked eye, but for scientific research, the technique is simply necessary.

Step 2

Venus revolves around the Sun faster than the Earth, so it can be observed 2 times a day. Go to the observation point either in the morning or in the evening. In the evening, Venus should be looked for in the west, and before sunrise - in the east.

Step 3

Set up the telescope and perform the required calculations. You need to understand what the plane of the ecliptic is at the moment. This is the name of the path along which the Sun moves along the firmament. Venus, like most other astronomical bodies, is best observed during the lengthening period, that is, at the time when the planet is farthest from the Sun. The maximum angle between Venus and the daylight never exceeds 47 degrees. During the day, the planet of interest to us cannot be visible due to the background sunlight. We will be able to notice it only when it deviates from the Sun by at least five degrees.

Step 4

Calculate the ideal time to watch. Venus will be visible 20 minutes before sunrise and 20 minutes after sunset. It is best to observe its appearance in the firmament on the day of the summer and winter solstices, that is, during the period of greatest elongation.

Every seven months, this planet turns into the brightest object in the evening sky. At this time, it glows 20 times brighter than Sirius - the largest star in the northern sky. Venus is called the "Evening Star" for a reason. But it will not be possible to see what is happening on its surface even with the most powerful telescope due to the dense atmospheric layer and heavy clouds. Only recently, with the help of spacecraft, scientists have penetrated the secret of the surface of the mysterious planet. She is also considered the patroness of lovers, because she is named after the goddess of love.
