How Knowledge, Skills And Abilities Are Related

How Knowledge, Skills And Abilities Are Related
How Knowledge, Skills And Abilities Are Related

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One of the practical goals of general and special education is to make a person capable of effectively performing certain types of activities. At the heart of any type of training is the gradual formation of useful knowledge, abilities and skills. These categories are closely and inextricably interconnected.

How knowledge, skills and abilities are related
How knowledge, skills and abilities are related


Step 1

Under knowledge in pedagogy it is customary to understand a systematized set of information, facts, images, judgments, which contain the laws of the subject area to which teaching belongs. Knowledge related to a specific type of activity allows you to identify and assimilate the relationship between objects and phenomena. They often contain ready-made algorithms for simple operations and proven decision-making strategies. One of the main properties of knowledge is its systemic and structural nature.

Step 2

Skills are formed on the basis of the knowledge gained. They represent specific techniques and methods of performing actions, mastered by a person. Any skill assumes that the student is able to purposefully apply the knowledge he has acquired in practical activities. Skills provide flexibility in activities and make it possible to adapt knowledge to changing conditions.

Step 3

Skill is a more difficult category of training. It is understood as conscious actions brought to automatism, which are gradually developed in direct interaction with the objective environment. The skill is initially formed consciously and is completely under the control of the person. Examples include mastering numeracy, writing, or driving skills.

Step 4

The first independent actions often contain errors, are performed extremely slowly and uncertainly. Over time, the skill is fully automated, which allows you to perform actions without focusing on them. The skill can be fixed for a long time. Even with a long break in a specific activity, a person's ability to automatically perform previously mastered operations is retained or relatively quickly restored.

Step 5

The traditional learning goal consists of three interrelated tasks. First, a person receives and assimilates knowledge of the subject. Then he masters the ways of managing this knowledge and learns to apply it in practice. This is how skills are formed. The final stage of the educational process is the transformation of the bundle from knowledge and skills into a sustainable skill.

Step 6

In other words, the knowledge, abilities and skills acquired by a person are formed in the educational process into a single interconnected system and gradually turn into the ability to perform at first elementary, and then rather complex operations with objective reality. The effectiveness of training is usually assessed by how firmly a person has mastered the skills in a given field of activity.
