Who Do Philosophers Work And What Is The Use Of Their Knowledge

Who Do Philosophers Work And What Is The Use Of Their Knowledge
Who Do Philosophers Work And What Is The Use Of Their Knowledge

The works of philosophers often seem to another man in the street too abstract, divorced from reality. Therefore, it is difficult for him to imagine how their thoughts and ideas can be applied in practice. Nevertheless, the ideas of many philosophers have significantly changed the world more than once.

Who do philosophers work and what is the use of their knowledge
Who do philosophers work and what is the use of their knowledge

The practical benefits of philosophy for society

First of all, philosophy acts as a "science of sciences" that gives meaning, purpose and direction to scientific research in certain areas, both natural science (physics, biology, chemistry, etc.) and humanitarian (economics, marketing, etc.)).

A well thought out philosophy can significantly change human society or make a real revolution in a separate science.

Thus, the philosophy of theology, which gained great strength in the Middle Ages, actually prohibited the development of any other philosophical thought in Europe, as well as many natural sciences, which, as a result, led to a significant slowdown in the development of human civilization in the end.

The philosophy of Marxism-Leninism radically changed the approach to the economy and social production of a very large number of states. On the one hand, the principles of this philosophy gave a powerful impetus to the intensive development of industry and agriculture due to the concentration of all means of production in the hands of the state, motivated a large number of people to persistent and productive activity, thanks to them, natural sciences were also strongly developed and, in general, high scientific research was ensured. technical culture of society. On the other hand, there were obvious shortcomings (at least in the practical application of philosophy) in the form of persecution of other ideologies, free creativity, as well as insufficient development of the humanities.

The philosophy of Freudianism made a real revolution in psychology, giving it a new direction - psychoanalysis. Its principles are still being successfully applied.

The philosophy of Darwinism brought about not only a revolution in biology and, in particular, ontogenesis (the doctrine of the development of organisms), but also became a separate model for human behavior in society - social Darwinism. The latter, in fact, says that society is the same nature: in it, the strong “destroys” the weak, and as a result, a more adapted individual survives.

Thus, one can see that seemingly highly abstract knowledge nevertheless gives a very tangible practical result from its application.

The meaning of personal philosophy

Almost every person has his own philosophy. Personal principles, morality, values, worldview - all these are basic philosophical concepts. To one degree or another, they are present and have always been present in any civilized person.

Almost, these concepts guide the life of an individual. Consistent with his goals, a person chooses an activity for himself. Consistent with his morality - a person chooses practical means of achievement for his goals, which, in any scenario, affect the world around him and people. Such influence can be negative or positive, weak or very tangible.

Who do philosophers work by?

In ordinary life, philosophers can have different professions. Rarely, however, will philosophy itself bring them money. Most likely, these will be other specialties, which, however, well complement the ideological developments of a certain philosopher and themselves are enriched at the expense of philosophy.

For example, Marx and Engels were economists. Many German philosophers (Hegel, Kant, Schopenhauer and others) were university teachers. Niccolo Machiavelli served as Secretary of the Second Chancellery in Florence. Jean-Jacques Rousseau generally lived in poverty for many years of his life and wandered around until some of his writings (mainly of a political nature) brought him enough money to live on.
