Very often, in crowded places (train stations, airports, large shops), you can find lost things and documents, including internal and foreign passports. It is quite easy to find the owner using a civil passport and return the passport to him.

A device with a working Internet, telephone
Step 1
If the found passport was lost at the airport or at the station (train or bus), the easiest way is to take it to the lost property office, which can be found in almost all such places. If the lost property office does not work, you can give the found item to the managers of information counters, who can announce the loss over the speakerphone. If a passport and other documents are found in city public transport, you can contact the driver or conductor. In the metro of any city, there is a Lost and Found Bureau (the telephone number is posted at all metro stations). If there is no desire to search for a person who has lost his passport, you can give the passport to the nearest police station. As a rule, the document is sent by mail to the registration address.
Step 2
In large cities, there are city centers for lost things and documents, where the found passport can be attributed. All such centers work on weekdays, they have lunch breaks and weekends. The owner will be able to obtain a passport if he has any document proving his identity (rights to a car, student ID, etc.).
Step 3
A more time-consuming way: drive to the address of registration or temporary registration of a person who has lost his passport. Even if he does not live on the spot, the people who are there, as a rule, have contact information or they themselves can transfer the documents to the owner. This can only be done if the owner of the lost passport is registered in the same city.
Step 4
The search for the owners of lost things and documents through social networks and the Internet is very popular now. You can use the special all-Russian site "Bureau of Findings" or try to find a person in social networks ("VKontakte", "Odnoklassniki", Facebook) by first and last name. Also, by the last name and address of permanent registration, you can find your home phone number in free Internet databases. In addition, you can try to find a person through advertisements in newspapers (free or paid) or on television (the best way is "Creeping line") on local TV channels.
Step 5
A request for a reward for a found passport can be regarded as extortion, therefore it is recommended to wait for information about the reward from the owner, and not vice versa. In most cases, the passport holder will reimburse any costs incurred by the person who found his documents (transport or others).