What Are The Colors Of The Camouflage Uniform

What Are The Colors Of The Camouflage Uniform
What Are The Colors Of The Camouflage Uniform

A camouflage or field military uniform is a special type of clothing with which a soldier has the ability to hide in a specific area. In addition, it serves as a uniform type of clothing for the entire army unit.

What are the colors of the camouflage uniform
What are the colors of the camouflage uniform

Each army unit has several types of camouflage in use, where each type is used in accordance with a given terrain.

Camouflage types

At the present time, there is a huge number of colors and cuts of military and field camouflage uniforms. Therefore, it is almost impossible to talk about all of them within the framework of one article, because military science is moving forward and scientists of the defense complex of countries regularly release new solutions for the design of military uniforms for the armies of the whole world.

But still, the main types of camouflage can be distinguished, taking into account the terrain and conditions in which they are used.


The forest or tropical type of camouflage was specially designed for green environments, that is, it is used in forests, shrubs, grass, tropical jungles, and so on. This type is very often the main type of field uniform in armies around the world.

Versatile camouflage has recently become a popular form in many armies around the world. It is designed for use in a variety of environments, both in the forest, and in the desert and urban environments.


Desert camouflage is designed for use in desert environments. A distinctive feature of this form is its design in light colors and the use of lightweight material for operation in warm climatic conditions.


Urban camouflage has been designed with urban colors in mind. So, for example, in Russian conditions, blue and gray tones in clothes are inherent in this form. Black is very often used. In most cases, for sewing such camouflage, a dense fabric is used, which is resistant to contact with hard surfaces.

The universal type of camouflage makes it possible to "blur" the soldier in a strong battle, which makes it difficult for the enemy to accurately aim the target at the victim.


Winter camouflage has a distinctive white color scheme that allows the soldier to camouflage himself against a snowy background. Very often this type of uniform is not complete, since its development is carried out in order to complement the basic uniform of a soldier. In the armies of the world, white camouflage, which can sometimes be diluted with colored splashes, is worn on top of the main uniform, for example, forest.
