What Is The Higgs Boson

What Is The Higgs Boson
What Is The Higgs Boson

In early July 2012, world science celebrated another holiday. Scientists have presented reports of long-term studies for everyone to see and argue that the search for the so-called Higgs particles has finally led to positive results. However, not all experts share this opinion, which needs additional experimental verification.

What is the Higgs boson
What is the Higgs boson

For the first time the existence of a new elementary particle was predicted by the English physicist Peter Higgs back in the 60s of the last century. A hypothetical particle, the Higgs boson, was named after this theorist. The scientist offered his own explanation of the nature of the masses of most elementary particles. Higgs theory suggests the existence of the "Higgs boson", the only missing element in the standard model. The construction of the Large Hadron Collider had, among others, the goal of searching for a boson, also called in popular literature "the particle of God."

In recent years, in the course of large-scale studies, an increased intensity and energy of particles that were accelerated at the collider have been observed. At the same time, the experimenters observed phenomena that with a high probability may be related to the search for the Higgs particle.

However, scientists are still wary of interpreting the results. The fact is that the Higgs boson is very unstable and easily decays. Today, only the fact that the experimentally obtained particle decayed into two photons has been reliably discovered, similar to how the Higgs particle should be born, if we proceed from theoretical reasoning.

According to Vladimir Budanov, Doctor of Philosophy, the discovery of the Higgs boson means that a colossal revolution will take place in the modern science of the microworld. But if the discovery is not confirmed, and the discovered particle is not recognized as the Higgs boson, then in this case, science will also receive grounds for revising the foundations of physics.

The fundamental phenomenon, discovered by Peter Higgs and received the first confirmation in an experiment, underlies modern concepts in physics and plays an important role in our understanding of the foundations of the construction of the Universe and the nature of gravity. However, the practical application of the open particle, apparently, will become possible only in the very distant future.
