Why Does A Man Need Space

Why Does A Man Need Space
Why Does A Man Need Space

In the middle of the last century, mankind went beyond the atmosphere and took the first steps into outer space. Since then, comic technology has developed rapidly and rapidly. An increasing number of countries have joined space exploration. Determining the goals of further space exploration, scientists and specialists are guided not only by the pressing needs of civilization, but also look into the future.

Why does a person need space
Why does a person need space

Space as a breakthrough in the development of civilization

Since ancient times, mankind has sought to expand the sphere of its habitat. Initially, primitive tribes mastered the surrounding areas, moving after animals or fleeing from harsh climatic conditions. Civilization developed, so people needed new spaces for raising livestock and mining. Gradually, people settled in all habitable land areas.

People did not confine themselves to the development of the surface of the earth. After many centuries, it became technically possible to start exploring the ocean depths and conquer the highest layers of the atmosphere. Only space remained inaccessible, with which people pinned the most optimistic hopes.

For a long time man has looked at the sky full of twinkling stars, puzzling over the structure of the Universe and dreaming of going in search of new worlds. But only the emergence of rocket technology made it possible to overcome the force of gravity and send artificial satellites into near-earth orbit, and then human crews. A completely new period has begun in the history of mankind, favorable for the further development of civilization.

Space and Science

At the first stage of the exploration of outer space, man only sought to expand his ideas about the structure of the world. The main achievement of the new space technology was the direct observation of physical phenomena, which was previously hindered by the atmosphere. For example, spacecraft have made it possible to see a wider spectrum of radiation, from gamma rays to long radio waves. This was the beginning of extra-atmospheric astronomy.

Launching optical telescopes into near-earth orbit made it possible to qualitatively enhance their resolution. As a result, the boundaries of the directly observable Universe expanded, and scientists were able to examine objects previously inaccessible for study in images from space.

Over the past decades, astronomical research conducted from near-Earth orbit has made it possible to discover planetary systems in other stars.

Entering the nearest outer space gave impetus to the development of many applied sciences, including geography, geodesy, cartography, meteorology. The data received from spacecraft allow more accurate forecasting of climate and weather changes in specific regions, predicting the onset of natural disasters. Space technologies have become an indispensable tool for organizing the entire economic life of modern civilization.

Space and the future of humanity

The resources of the Earth are enormous, but still limited. In the future, the moment will inevitably come when mankind will have to find new sources of fuel and raw materials for industrial production. Therefore, the study of the planets included in the solar system takes into account the potential for their economic development and settlement.

Having gained access to the resources of other space objects, a person will be able to expand his technological capabilities.

Scientists and futurologists pin their greatest hopes on the exploration of the Moon, Venus and Mars. Of course, several centuries may pass before people can not only visit the planets closest to Earth, but also master them qualitatively, subordinating them to their interests. At this stage, we can only talk about sending manned vehicles to Venus and Mars, the crews of which will be able to assess on the spot the suitability of these planets for habitation and development.

Science fiction writers have stepped further into the future. In works related to space themes, projects of large-scale astroengineering activities of earthly civilization have been discussed for several decades. As a rule, it is the most daring predictions of science fiction writers that come true. It is possible that in the distant future, humanity will really find ways to arrange the Universe in its own way, extending its influence to the most distant corners of outer space.
