Who Are The Archangels

Who Are The Archangels
Who Are The Archangels

Angels ("messengers") in Christianity, Judaism and Islam are called beings of a higher order who obey God and proclaim his will to people. Angels are divided into nine ranks, and one of these ranks is archangels.

archangel Michael
archangel Michael

Among the nine angelic ranks, the archangels occupy the eighth place, entering the third hierarchy along with the beginnings and the angels themselves. The word "archangel" literally means "supreme angel."

The Bible contains direct references to archangels. One of them is in the first epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians. The Apostle speaks of the coming second coming of Jesus Christ, which will take place "with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God." In the Epistle of Jude, a specific archangel is mentioned, named for him - Michael. The Bible does not name other archangels, but in the book of the prophet Daniel the archangel Michael is referred to as "one of the first princes", therefore, he is not the only archangel.

The main task of the archangels is to preach the gospel to people about God, to transmit his prophecies. They help people to know and internalize the will of God and strengthen their faith.

The most famous of the archangels is the already mentioned Michael. He is called "archangel", that is. a military leader, depicted in military armor, with a spear and a sword, and at his feet - a defeated dragon, personifying Satan - an angel who rebelled against God. Archangel Michael is considered the patron saint of warriors.

Another famous archangel is Gabriel, the bearer of good news that gives people hope. He explained the meaning of the visions sent to the prophet by God. The main prophecy that Daniel heard from Gabriel concerned the coming birth of the Savior. The Archangel again announced this joyful event, when there was very little time left before him - he appeared to the Virgin Mary and said that it was she who was destined to become the Mother of God. Christians call this event the Annunciation.

Archangel Raphael is mentioned in the non-canon book of Tobias and is known as a healer and comforter. It is he who heals Tobias' father and bride from serious illnesses. In all the images, Raphael usually holds in one hand a bowl of medicine, and in the other - a cropped bird feather, which was used in the old days to smear wounds.

The archangel Uriel is mentioned in the book of Ezra. His name is translated as "the fire of God" or "the light of God", he seems to be an enlightener of lost souls and ignoramuses, kindles human hearts with love. Uriel is considered the patron saint of scientists.

The Third Book of Ezra speaks of the archangel Selafiel, whose name means "the prayer of God." This archangel eternally prays to God for people, and encourages people to pray. It was this archangel who appeared to Hagar, exiled by Sarah into the wilderness together with her son Ishmael. Praying in deep sorrow, the unfortunate woman heard the voice of the archangel: "The Lord has heard your suffering."

Other archangels are also known according to legends and biblical texts. But no matter which of them we are talking about, hope for a person is always associated with their images, the realization that God will never abandon his creation to the mercy of fate.