When And How To Harvest Maple Sap So As Not To Harm Trees

When And How To Harvest Maple Sap So As Not To Harm Trees
When And How To Harvest Maple Sap So As Not To Harm Trees

The benefits of self-harvested maple sap are invaluable. But in order to enjoy a natural product and at the same time not harm the tree, it is necessary to properly collect it.

When and how to harvest maple sap so as not to harm trees
When and how to harvest maple sap so as not to harm trees

Maple sap is no less useful than birch sap. Despite the fact that in our country this craft is not too developed, people collect this gift of nature, after which they saturate their bodies with the most useful microelements.

When and how is maple sap collected?

The collection of maple sap is carried out precisely in the spring, when the sap flow is directed from the roots to the crown of the tree. Those who have never been involved in collecting maple sap before should be aware that if the process is carried out incorrectly, the tree can be damaged, resulting in dryness.

In order for the tree not to be damaged when collecting sap, it is necessary to make a shallow puncture in the trunk. When the juice is collected, it is necessary to carefully and accurately cover the puncture site with garden varnish. Do not collect a lot of juice, as the tree also needs it for spring flowering. It is in the sap that all the nutrients required for the growth and flowering of maple are contained.

Maple sap is harvested in March-April, and the procedure is carried out in exactly the same way as when collecting birch sap. First you need to make a small and shallow hole in the tree trunk. Then a tube or groove is inserted into this hole, respectively, of a suitable size. A container is placed under the groove, where the juice will drain. At a time and from one tree, it is not recommended to collect more juice than fits in a three-liter jar. After completing the gathering procedure, the hole is processed with garden varnish.

What are the benefits of maple sap?

You need to know that in Canada, the most useful sugar is produced from maple sap. It is maple sap that is a source of potassium, calcium, iron and other useful trace elements. Even during processing, the juice does not lose its beneficial properties, which is very important. So, the collected maple juice can be drunk in its pure form, and also syrup can be cooked from it, which is canned for the winter. Boiled maple syrup is a perfect addition to various dishes: pancakes, pancakes, ice cream.

The sap collected from maples that grow in Russia is not as sweet as from a real Canadian tree. But, nevertheless, it also has a lot of beneficial and nutritious substances. If you buy maple juice in a store, you can stumble upon a fake, since real juice is quite expensive due to the laboriousness of the collection process. If you have the ability and ability to correctly collect the juice, it is better to do it yourself.
