Why Was Winter Time Canceled

Why Was Winter Time Canceled
Why Was Winter Time Canceled

For the third year already, Russia has been living without moving the hour hands in spring and autumn, and disputes about this decision are still ongoing. Not everyone even clearly understands the reasons for canceling the "winter" and "summer" time.

"Winter" time gave an extra hour of sleep during the transfer and was more physiological than "summer"
"Winter" time gave an extra hour of sleep during the transfer and was more physiological than "summer"

Stress and accidents

Russia refused to switch clocks to "winter" time in 2011. This was Dmitry Medvedev's concession to the arguments of scientists about the dangers of constantly twisting the arrows. Doctors and researchers cited data on the deterioration of the well-being of people on the days when the clock was changed. And if in the fall bursts of cardiovascular diseases occurred less often, because people received an "extra" hour of sleep, then in the spring the situation looked worse. Lack of sleep and general stress were added to the post-winter avitaminosis. Even the traffic police indirectly confirmed that within about ten days after the clock was changed, the number of accidents increased.

For a complete transition to "winter" or "summer" time, the body needs up to two months. All this time he is under stress.

Although the proposal to cancel the transfer was submitted to the State Duma for several years in a row, it was accepted only in 2011, when the idea was supported by the then President Dmitry Medvedev. Since then, the country has existed in "summer" time. Time has shown that the savings in electricity, for which the arrows were translated, turned out to be insignificant.

Scientific explanation

Many experts agree that the refusal to transfer hours every six months is a blessing. True, some insist that the country should have stayed in "summer" time. It is much closer to the natural astronomical, or belt, according to which man has lived for thousands of years.

The fact is that until 1930, the territory of our country was divided into time zones, focusing on the secular order. And the sun was at its zenith at exactly 12 o'clock in the afternoon. In 1930, daylight saving time was introduced in Russia, adding to the standard hour. So the young country began to outstrip the whole world by 60 minutes. In 1981, they also introduced a rule for changing the clock in spring and autumn, so that in the summer the inhabitants of the USSR woke up two hours earlier than expected, and in the winter - an hour. So, a number of researchers consider a return to the "winter" time to be healthier and more useful.

Scientists explain this by the fact that for many centuries man has got used to living in accordance with the natural cycles of day and night. Several years ago, at one of the Novosibirsk universities, employees of the laboratory of mechanisms of disadaptation of the Research Center for Clinical and Experimental Medicine conducted an experiment.

Dysadaptation (as opposed to maladjustment) means a disorder of adaptation to external factors.

Some of the students studied according to the schedule in accordance with the standard time, some got up and came to classes an hour later, another part - three. The health indicators of young people before the start of the experiment and six months after were strikingly different. The first group continued to feel well, the rest noted a deterioration in the state of the central nervous system and other organs.
