What Does A Person Feel At Clinical Death?

What Does A Person Feel At Clinical Death?
What Does A Person Feel At Clinical Death?

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Clinical death is a certain state of a person, in which his transition from bodily life to bodily death is carried out. Fortunately, the phenomenon of clinical death is reversible, and this is already a proven fact!

Clinical death is a reversible condition
Clinical death is a reversible condition


Step 1

In fact, the phenomenon of clinical death is a borderline state between a person's life and his death. It differs from true death in that a person in this case can still be returned to life under a certain set of circumstances and through competent and well-coordinated actions. Resuscitation measures are usually carried out within 4 minutes (early period of clinical death). It is during these minutes that oxygen starvation of the brain will not lead to irreversible changes in the body of the dying person.

Step 2

During the phenomenon of clinical death, people experience a number of specific signs: lack of breathing (apnea), lack of pulse (asystole) and loss of consciousness (coma). It should be noted that these manifestations arise only in the early period of this state and lose all meaning in the event of the onset of irreversible consequences - true death. The above sensations refer to the initial stage of clinical death of a person and are important signs for the successful implementation of resuscitation measures.

Step 3

The most important sign of clinical death is the absence of a heartbeat. With the cessation of cardiac activity, a person stops breathing, and all external signs of life disappear. During clinical death, a person can be returned from the "other world" precisely because oxygen starvation caused by this condition does not lead to irreversible consequences, as it happens in the case of biological death.

Step 4

Lack of breathing (apnea) is noticeable even with the naked eye: a person's chest stops rising and falling. During this period, you do not need to spend precious time confirming apnea by applying a dying mirror, thread, cotton wool to the mouth and nose. The next thing that a person who is in a state of clinical death feels is asystole, i.e. lack of pulse in both cervical carotid arteries. If the pulse is not traced, then the phenomenon of clinical death is evident. Here, too, do not waste time feeling the pulse in your wrists.

Step 5

The last sign that a person feels in this state is complete loss of consciousness (coma). In this case, the pupils of the dying person will dilate and will not respond to external stimuli (). If resuscitation measures aimed at saving the dying person are carried out successfully, then his pupil will begin to respond to its constriction, and the pulse will beat again in the carotid arteries. In this case, the skin of the victim's face will begin to take on a pink tint, and breathing will become independent.
