Did Faina Ranevskaya Have A Husband And Children

Did Faina Ranevskaya Have A Husband And Children
Did Faina Ranevskaya Have A Husband And Children

The great actress Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya (nee Faina Girshevna Feldman) was lonely all her long life. She never had a family or children. She suffered from this, but never in her life made a single attempt to change the prevailing circumstances.

Did Faina Ranevskaya have a husband and children
Did Faina Ranevskaya have a husband and children

Faina Ranevskaya: a lonely legend

Ranevskaya told a story about how, in her youth, she was deeply in love with one actor, who was a terrible womanizer and womanizer. Once he promised to come to visit her in the evening. The young actress was overjoyed, she set the table, put on the best dress, did her hair. Imagine her disappointment when the object of her love appeared on the doorstep with a lady. He asked Ranevskaya to go for a walk for a while. After this event, Faina Georgievna made a conclusion for herself that all men are not worth spending their strength on them and giving them attention. It is difficult to say how true this story is, but the fact that Ranevskaya has never been married and never had children in her life is well known.

She had friendly relations with Marshal Tolbukhin, with directors Mikhoels and Tairov. Touching long letters, infrequent meetings and endless devotion. For the sake of friends, Ranevskaya could not sleep at night, she was ready to give her last money and rush after them to the ends of the world to help in case of failure.

Being an unusually creative person, Faina Ranevskaya fell in love, but no one reciprocated her. Once she said that she loved only two men in her life. The first was the actor Vasily Katchalov, and the second she simply does not remember.

Warm friendly relations were connected with Vasily Kachalov, Faina Georgievna. He taught the young actress not to act, but to live life on stage. Long walks and endless conversations with Kachalov and his famous dog Jim, to whom Sergei Yesenin dedicated his beautiful poem, were the only consolation for Ranevskaya in love at that time. For a long time there was a photograph of Vasily Kachalov on Faina Georgievna's desktop.

The companion of glory is loneliness

In the early 60s of the last century, her sister, Izabella Georgievna Apleen, moved to Ranevskaya, who by that time had become a widow. Unfortunately, their cohabitation turned out to be very short-lived. Literally two years later, doctors discovered cancer in Isabella Georgievna, and she died in 1964. Faina Georgievna did not send her sister to the hospital and remained by her side until her last breath.

In old age, Ranevskaya's only affection was a dog, which she named Malysh. She picked up the unfortunate dog on the street in a bitter frost. His paws were frostbitten, and the dog was literally doomed to death.

Faina Georgievna played in the theater until she was 85 years old. The decision to retire was very difficult for her. She was saddened, but poor health no longer allowed the actress to continue working.

Ranevskaya died on June 19, 1984. She was buried with her sister Isabella. In 1992, the editorial board of the English encyclopedia "Who's Who" included Ranevskaya in the top ten most outstanding actresses of the twentieth century.
