What Is Transliteration

What Is Transliteration
What Is Transliteration

Transliteration is a language that allows you to convert text in Russian into Latin. The transliteration principle is used by professional translators and foreign linguists.

Translator profession
Translator profession

Transliteration or transliteration is a popular language on the Internet. With its help, you can transfer the text written in Russian in Latin letters. Sometimes numbers and other available characters can be “interwoven” into such a “translation”. It is not only the Russian language that is subject to transliteration; the top leadership of many countries regulates transliterative translations at the legislative level, since there are cases when documents of an international standard are drawn up in this way.

Until recently, transliteration was widespread in everyday life: users who owned non-Russian mobile phones or saved on SMS sent messages in English letters, which made it possible to almost double the number of characters transmitted. By the same principle, work was carried out on stationary computers equipped with a non-Russianized operating system.

How transliteration is used today

Russian transliteration services make it possible to translate different world alphabets simply and at the same time with high quality. Online translators have been efficiently optimized to consume a minimum of system resources on the user's PC.

Thanks to transliteration services, it became possible to:

- Get Russian keyboard emulator. The user can enter Cyrillic letters, even if they are not indicated on the keyboard and are not contained in the operating system settings. At the same time, nothing depends on the keyboard layout.

- Correctly write technological phrases. We are talking about improving the working conditions of professional translators and foreign linguists, who began to be guided by special rules that comply with international standards and GOST standards.

How transliteration helps communication

Its principle is still used in phrasebooks. After all, it is important not only to convey your thought to the foreign interlocutor, but also to learn to understand what he is saying. It also has its own specific rules, though not so strict. In particular, the principle of phonetic correspondence is used, for example, the Russian letter "b" corresponds to the English b, "g" - g, "l" - l, etc. Sometimes, to solve such problems, the Polish-German transliteration is used, which was used in times of the telegraph and telegrams. The main thing is to use only one option so that the correspondent quickly gets used to transliteration.

Today, many users have no idea why transliteration is needed at all, although the problem is still relevant, because it is not for nothing that services and utilities that convert Latin text into Cyrillic continue to be popular.