Such an unpleasant phenomenon as hyperestrogenism is often observed in women approaching the pre-climatic period. It occurs against the background of stress, accidental illness, decreased immunity, or a general weakening of the body. What is hyperestrogenism and what should be done to prevent it?

Symptoms of hyperestrogenism
After forty years, one of the symptoms of a lack of progesterone is the difficulty in conceiving a child. It is progesterone that is important for preparing the uterus for the attachment of the ovum, which cannot be grafted with hyperestrogenism. In a woman's body, estrogens begin to dominate, the production of which stimulates the pituitary gland - as a result, the symptoms of hyperestrogenism can appear throughout the entire menstrual cycle.
Hyperestrogenism manifests itself most clearly in a woman's body during ovulation and before menstruation.
Another symptom of a lack of progesterone and an increased level of estrogen is premenstrual tension that visits a woman a couple of days before her period. It is manifested by nervousness, constant irritation, and head and lumbar pain. Salts and water begin to linger in the tissues, which leads to the appearance of small edema, some hormones are released, heart rate increases and blood pressure rises. In this state, women often cannot control themselves - doctors call this sign of hyperestrogenism menstrual psychosis.
How to avoid hyperestrogenism
Hyperestrogenism often manifests itself in the premenopausal period, causing general ailments, anemia, edema, convulsive pain, and even asthma attacks. To avoid this, it is necessary to regulate the level of estrogen in the body with the help of herbal preparations - hormonal agents are prescribed only for severe hyperestrogenism.
Decongestants, muscle relaxants, vitamins and micronutrient complexes will help to remove the consequences of this unpleasant condition,
In order not to exacerbate the problem of hyperestrogenism, you should completely protect yourself from stress, which destroys the nerve endings, filling their places with female hormones. It is also advisable to reduce the consumption of meat and beer, which contain a considerable amount of estrogen. If a woman often takes antibiotics, E. coli in the body is completely destroyed, as a result of which estrogens continue to accumulate unhindered.
Laboratory tests for the level of estrogen most often do not give accurate results, since their main amount is not in the blood, but in the cells. Therefore, doctors tell their patients that the tests are normal or the norm is slightly overestimated. If at the same time the patient continues to suffer from symptoms of hyperestrogenism, you should contact a more qualified narrow specialist.