If The Astronaut Jumps Strongly On The Moon, What Will Happen To Him

If The Astronaut Jumps Strongly On The Moon, What Will Happen To Him
If The Astronaut Jumps Strongly On The Moon, What Will Happen To Him

Only one crew of American astronauts landed on the moon. None of them were professional high jumpers, but judging by their recollections, they jumped quite easily by as much as two meters.

If the astronaut jumps strongly on the moon, what will happen to him
If the astronaut jumps strongly on the moon, what will happen to him

Jumping on the Moon: theory and practice

In his memoirs, astronaut Armstrong said that the maximum height of his jump during the lunar expedition was two meters. Given the weight of the suit, this all seems logical. What happens then? At the moment, the world record for high jump is 2.45 meters and belongs to Javier Sotomayor (Cuba). If, for example, you send this athlete to the moon, it turns out that he will be able to get off the surface by 14.7 meters!

However, in reality, the situation may look very different. After a little reflection and making simple mathematical calculations, we come to the conclusion that no ordinary person, no great athlete can take such incredible heights.

If your weight is 70 kg, then on the moon you would weigh only 11.5 kg.

The reason is the same notorious gravity. Of course, it is much smaller on the Moon. Theoretically, on the Moon, a person will be able to jump to a height of two to three meters, but after a long period of preparation and without a heavy-weight spacesuit. In addition, you can still get serious injuries. On the Moon, under strong influence, the body can begin to move chaotically. In other words, if you jump on the moon, then there is a high probability that a person will fly not up, but forward or to the side, also rotating. And only after a long period of training can you learn to control your body.

Meanwhile, jumps made by professional athletes are simply impossible on the moon. There is a certain technique that provides for acceleration and push, which cannot be done in extraterrestrial conditions. In lunar conditions, all his actions will be extremely difficult. Therefore, no matter how hard the athlete tries, he will not succeed.

The athlete's movements on the moon will be six times slower.

And how was it really?

When jumping on the moon, the legs move quite slowly and the jumps are similar to jumping. The illusion of slow motion is created. The body of the astronaut, dressed in a rather heavy spacesuit, seems to be shifted slightly forward so as not to lose balance. When cornering, all his movements are somewhat slowed down. This can be attributed to the outsole's slight grip on the lunar soil. Together with the spacesuit, the astronaut weighs approximately 160-170 kg, on the moon it is about 30 kg.

There is still debate about whether there was a lunar expedition at all or whether all the episodes were filmed in the pavilions of Hollywood. Of course, everyone decides for himself what to believe. But the fact remains: if a person ever colonizes the moon, then without training, he will not jump two meters in height.
