How To Determine The Brand Of Cement

How To Determine The Brand Of Cement
How To Determine The Brand Of Cement

Table of contents:


As a rule, the brand of cement is determined by special designations on the packaging. However, in some cases, for example, when there is no packaging or it is damaged, it is possible to determine the brand of cement experimentally.

How to determine the brand of cement
How to determine the brand of cement


  • - cement;
  • - sand;
  • - water;
  • - special forms for cement;
  • - cap;
  • - steaming chamber;
  • - weights with weight designation.


Step 1

Mix the cement mortar using standard sand. The ratio of cement to sand should be 1: 3. The coefficient of water-cement ratio must be at least 0.4 (for example, 400 g of water falls on 1 kg of cement).

Step 2

From the resulting cement mortar, pour blocks into special forms, 4x4x16 cm in size.

Step 3

Place the samples in a special chamber or cover them with a hood. A prerequisite is to ensure sufficient moisture. To do this, place a vessel with water next to the molds. Leave the samples under the hood to ripen for a day.

Step 4

Remove the blocks from the formwork and place them in the steam chamber. After intensive steaming, check the flexural strength of the cement test pieces. To do this, place the cement block on two supports. The center of the block should remain free. As a result, the whole structure should resemble an impromptu bridge. Place one weights in the middle of the block. The weight under which the bar collapses should be remembered. Using this number, as well as special formulas and coefficients, the compressive load and cement grade are determined. Each brand has its own formula.
