Where Did The Cockroaches Disappear?

Where Did The Cockroaches Disappear?
Where Did The Cockroaches Disappear?

The complete disappearance of cockroaches, which 10-15 years ago felt very at ease in many homes, makes many people worry. And the point here is not at all in love for the red-mustache, but in the reasons that influenced their departure.

Where did the cockroaches disappear?
Where did the cockroaches disappear?

There are several main versions explaining the disappearance of cockroaches, which were even proposed to be included in the Red Book.

One of the versions put forward by radiobiologists is the emergence of cellular communications. It is likely that the ubiquitous electromagnetic field did not affect the "Prusaks" in the best way. Moreover, the disappearance of cockroaches coincides with an increase in the radio frequency background. Both events took place in 2000. In this regard, bees also began to die. But if studies of the effects of radiation on bees are carried out by scientists from Israel and the United States, then, alas, no one deals with cockroaches.

Entomologists look at this problem in their own way. In their opinion, the cockroaches did not disappear, but underwent a mutation. As one of the scientists says, in one of the zoos, red cockroaches feel good, but their appearance has somehow become very ugly (crumpled wings). Scientists are unaware of the effects of genetically modified foods on cockroaches. But they make the assumption that they could hardly provoke the mass death of insects, especially since they are accustomed to a very varied diet.

There is a version that the reason for the departure of cockroaches was the rapidly growing number of various means for cleaning apartments. Perhaps the substances that make up them were not to the liking of these insects. This assumption is also supported by the fact that in dirty rooms in which unsanitary conditions reign, you can still see hordes of cockroaches.

Chemical scientists believe that the Chinese poison, which flooded the Russian market in the early 90s, helped in the fight against cockroaches. Various crayons, liquids and powders were laid out everywhere and in large quantities. Whether the goal was achieved precisely with the help of these means, now no one can say for sure. Research on the study of the substances that make up these drugs has not been carried out in Russia by anyone.

People far from science associate the imminent end of the world with the disappearance of cockroaches. According to their version, smart insects left life-threatening places in advance.
