What Does A Resurrection Flower Look Like?

What Does A Resurrection Flower Look Like?
What Does A Resurrection Flower Look Like?

The rose of Jericho is called the flower of resurrection. This flower has an amazing ability to "revive" after it has already seemed lost. At the same time, the life cycle of the Jericho rose is at least 30 years.

What does a resurrection flower look like?
What does a resurrection flower look like?

Under natural conditions, the rose of Jericho can be found in the deserts of Israel, between the Dead Sea and Jerusalem. In the Middle Ages, the flower was discovered by the knights-crusaders. It was they who decided to bring him to Europe. At the same time, the crusaders consecrated the plant that struck them, giving it the name "flower of resurrection."

Legends of the rose of Jericho

According to legend, the Virgin Mary discovered the rose of Jericho on the way to Egypt, it was she who blessed the plant, giving it eternal life. There is an ancient custom, according to which the Jericho rose is allowed to bloom on the biggest Christian holidays - Christmas and Easter. As a rule, they try to surprise and delight children with this spectacle.

The dried resurrection flower is rolled up into a small ball. However, one has only to put it in a container of water, and in half an hour the flower blooms again. In families who were lucky enough to get the Jericho rose, there is even a tradition to pass the flower by inheritance. It is believed that the rose of Jericho brings happiness and peace to the house.

Resurrection flower: appearance and growth features

In nature, the resurrection flower grows on the sand. At the same time, it adheres very tightly to the ground, and it is difficult to find it not only for people, but also for animals. In summer, when the seeds of the Jericho rose ripen, it tightly closes the stems, protecting its "children" from the attack of birds. When the rainy season comes, the flower opens up, releasing the seeds to freedom.

At home, the Jericho rose can bloom in a vessel filled with liquid and curl up into a ball if dried. In this case, the "resurrection" can be repeated an infinite number of times. True, the blossoming flower looks more like a chrysanthemum than a rose. But watching her is very interesting. This activity can be especially exciting for children.

In special cases, the rose of Jericho will become a very peculiar and unique gift that representatives of several generations of the family will be able to enjoy. After all, the life of a rose is practically eternal. In addition, the resurrection flower is endowed with certain healing properties. A decoction of the rose of Jericho helps in the treatment of asthma, and the syrup from its ground seeds is credited with the ability to facilitate childbirth.

The amazing flower of the resurrection gives people faith in miracles and once again proves that nature still has many unsolved mysteries and mysteries.
