Most often, major scandals begin with a small quarrel. If you do not intend to ruin your relationship with the interlocutor for a long time, you should know how to behave with your opponent so that both of you can get out of the dispute with dignity.

Step 1
You should not respond with aggression to aggression, no matter how you would like it. Of course, this is the most natural reaction - in response to "you are a fool" to exclaim "you are like that!" However, if you use such tactics, your argument will continue for a very long time. Better to act according to the principle of aikido. The essence of this art lies in the fact that you need to dodge the blows, and not retaliate. If you deftly bypass the attacks of the interlocutor and at the same time remain polite and friendly, they simply will not overtake you.
Step 2
Let your opponent speak up. Let him waving his hands, splashing saliva, throwing thunder and lightning in your direction - let him let off steam. If you think that such an expression of emotion has lasted too long, distract him with an unexpected phrase. For example, ask the other person where he bought such beautiful cufflinks, or ask his advice.
Step 3
Avoid evaluating your opponent's actions and try to talk more about your feelings. Instead of "You promised to clean the kitchen floor, why do you never keep your promises?" tell them that you are very upset that your son did not clean the kitchen floor, because you counted on him so.
Step 4
Try to find a compromise in the dispute, and not find out who is to blame. If there is only one day left before the annual report is submitted, it does not matter who did not provide the information on time. It is important to plan the remaining time so that the report is on the boss's desk the next day. And after successfully completed work, it will be possible to discuss in a calm atmosphere who made the mistake.
Step 5
Often, the fear of losing their face makes people defend their opinions no matter what. If, during an argument, stubbornness and a desire to insist on your own overwhelmed you, think about what is more dear to you: good relations with your opponent or your pride. And make the right decision on how to behave with the interlocutor.