Feng Shui - Where To Start

Feng Shui - Where To Start
Feng Shui - Where To Start

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching that helps to harmonize people's lives through energy flows on which well-being, luck, health and other important areas depend. If you decide to use the advice of feng shui, you need to start with the most basic - forming the environment in such a way that positive chi energy circulates around you.

Feng Shui - where to start
Feng Shui - where to start

Chi and Sha Energy

Qi energy is a positive flow that contributes to the emergence of all living things that exist on Earth. Places where there is a lot of qi are favorable for living, giving birth to children, starting a business, growing cultivated plants, etc. Sha is negative energy that leads to stagnation, disease, desolation. Feng Shui teaching helps to create such conditions so that the qi energy constantly circulates in your living space, and the sha energy does not appear at all.

How to use feng shui at home

Positive energy circulating in a person's home helps to make his life more interesting, richer, fuller. The transformation should begin with a general cleaning. Get rid of all the obstructions of unnecessary trash on the balcony, mezzanines and closets - in such places the energy of the sha accumulates, turning the life of "buns" into a swamp.

Provide good lighting and ventilation in your home. Change all the current taps and toilet bowls - along with the water, precious qi flows out of your house. Repair any broken equipment or take it to a landfill. Pass out clothes that you no longer wear, books that no one reads, donate your collection of antiques to the museum. For gifts and photos, keep only those that make you fond of memories.

Bring more positive energy into your home. Qi is attracted by beautiful natural flowers, fans, pendulum clocks, bells, bamboo pipes and flutes. Positive energy enters through open doors and windows.

What will such changes bring? First, the Qi flows will begin to flow unhindered into all corners of your home. And since there are zones in your home that are responsible for all spheres of life - love, health, career, etc. - beneficial energy activates them. Second, there will be no room for negative sha energy in your home. Thirdly, the place freed from trash will very quickly be filled with something new and good.

However, for true harmony there are few changes in the house - changes are also needed in people. If family members constantly quarrel, scandal, bad intentions reign in their souls, positive energy will leave their home. All negative emotions will become an inexhaustible source that feeds the accumulation of sha energy around you. Therefore, it is necessary to start following the advice of feng shui from yourself. Get rid of all bad thoughts from your head, come to peace and harmony with loved ones, find as many positive emotions as possible. And then the qi energy will definitely be present in your life!
