How To Check Your IQ

How To Check Your IQ
How To Check Your IQ

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Intellectual opportunities are distributed unevenly by nature. Someone is born "seven spans in the forehead", and someone barely reaches the average level. Scientists have long thought about inventing a single scale for measuring intelligence. They have developed special tests to determine the capabilities of each person.

Intelligence test
Intelligence test

What are IQ tests

IQ tests are collections of tasks and questions developed by psychologists. In many companies, passing an IQ test is mandatory when selecting job seekers. In the West, testing is also actively used to identify the abilities of schoolchildren and university students.

Calculating IQ is the definition of quantitative indicators of intelligence and comparing them with those of people of the same age. Tests do not provide an indication of the level of knowledge in any area, they provide a picture of general mental ability. Based on the results obtained, conclusions are drawn regarding the suitability of a person for a particular activity.

IQ tests are a list of tasks arranged as difficulty increases. These tasks affect logical, spatial and other types of thinking. All tasks must be solved in a strictly allotted time. In the event that the subject does not have time to solve the problems, his IQ level goes down.

Eysenck test

Eysenck's test is considered the most popular collection of problems to test the level of intelligence. This survey system contains graphic, digital and verbal material. Such a system allows you to compensate for the lack of one type of thinking with another type of thinking.

By completing tasks and answering questions, a person of a humanitarian nature can use their abilities in the verbal sphere and neutralize the inability to solve arithmetic problems. A subject with a mathematical mindset compensates for his inability to deal with humanitarian issues by solving analytical problems. It is believed that Eysenck's tests give the most objective picture of human abilities.

Anyone can take Eysenck's test. But when starting to solve problems, you need to take into account that Eysenck developed his own system for people aged 18 to 50 years with at least a complete secondary education. It is generally accepted that it is in relation to this category of people that Eysenck's tests show the greatest objectivity.

As a result of passing the test, a certain IQ number is obtained, which is an indicator of intellectual development. The average IQ score for American university graduates is 105. Excellent students show results at the level of 130-140 points. Approximately half of all respondents achieve results in the range of 90-110 points. An IQ of less than 70 is considered an indicator of mental retardation.
