The undemanding evergreen Kalanchoe, or "indoor ginseng", has more than 200 different species, usually characterized by long and abundant flowering. Due to the simplicity of maintenance and ease of reproduction, this plant has become widespread and has become an inhabitant of many houses and apartments.

Kalanchoe decorates the homes of many amateur flower growers with its bright color palettes of umbrella inflorescences. Not everyone knows that this plant has a number of medicinal properties: its juice is used in surgery, gynecology, dental practice, it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, low toxicity, has a rejuvenating cosmetic effect, stimulates the formation of stable immunity.
Light and color
A prerequisite for the flowering of Kalanchoe is bright lighting, only with such parameters the plant will be able to give white, yellow, orange, pink or red flowers. The more intense the light, the stronger and larger the buds will be tied. Another requirement for the plant is a cool wintering; at too high temperatures, the buds may not start at all. It is better to leave the plant outdoors in summer.
Bunch flowers
Kalanchoe usually blooms profusely enough. The duration of this time covers the period from the end of January to the end of May (4 months). Depending on the species, there are exceptions that delight their owners twice or throughout the entire calendar year. During the flowering period, tubular flowers appear on the plant, seized in fluffy large clusters in the form of bunches.
After flowering, the plant requires mandatory feeding, often it is the lack of nutrition that leads to the dropping of leaves by the plant and the premature death of the Kalanchoe. In order to achieve re-flowering, the plant needs to provide a dormant period, usually this time falls in the spring months. For this period, it is recommended to remove the flower stalks from the plant and place it in a cool, shaded place with a short day regime and not abundant watering. In order for the Kalanchoe day to last 9-10 hours, it can be periodically covered with a paper bag or a cap, which ensures the obstruction of sunlight. This change in "lifestyle" stimulates the formation of new buds, and in a few months the plant will be ready to bloom again.
The most popular types of Kalanchoe are Kalandiva, which has white or bright red short stalks and is distinguished by abundant six-month flowering, Mangina with inflorescences that resemble bells in appearance, feathery Kalanchoe, which is considered the most hardy and gives large flowers of unusual shades: a smooth transition to white, greenish and pink colors.