What Is A Flashmob

What Is A Flashmob
What Is A Flashmob

The word "flash mob" comes from the English flash - "flash" and mob - "crowd", and denotes a mass action, which is planned in advance, includes a large number of people unfamiliar with each other and causes a reaction of amazement among casual spectators.

What is a flashmob
What is a flashmob

In the sixties of the twentieth century, the famous American radio host Jean Shepherd once suggested that his listeners gather at a certain day and hour in the same building. Dozens of unfamiliar people huddled in the lobby without any specific purpose, they did not shout slogans, did not demand anything. This is how the first flash mob in world history took place.

It took several decades and the development of electronic communications to turn flash mobs into a popular action. At first, in New York, a crowd of people of different ages almost drove the sellers of the Macy’s store crazy, demanding that they sell them a "carpet of love" at regular intervals. Then Tokyo distinguished itself: hundreds of passers-by in the costumes of the main character of "The Matrix" appeared on its streets overnight. Next to the international movement of mobers, as the adherents of the flash mob are called, Europe joined: Rome, Berlin, London. And then - Australia and, finally, Russia.

One of the first Russian flash mobs took place in 2003 in St. Petersburg. At the Moskovsky railway station, a group of people gathered with signs on which it was written: “Tatiana Lavrukhina. Society of Alcoholics Anonymous. Having fully enjoyed the reaction of others, the mobers went about their business.

Like any movement, the flash mob almost immediately had a kind of set of rules that all participants should adhere to. By the way, anyone can become a mober, if there is a desire. The main thing is not to turn the action into a political platform and not to utter any words other than those that are laid down in the script, and also not to laugh. Well, and have an ID with you just in case.

The main goal of the flash mob is to evoke the emotions of the audience, to surprise casual spectators. Because of this, almost all mob scenarios are based on absurdity. For example, participants need to go to a bookstore and take turns asking the sellers for a nonexistent novel. Or portray a chorus of robots that run out of batteries. As a rule, the procedure for the flash mob is sent to the participants by e-mail (you can apply for participation on a specialized website or forum dedicated to the flash mob in your city).

Recently, dance flash mobs are gaining popularity. So, after the death of the king of pop music Michael Jackson around the world, fans staged massive dances on the streets, imitating the movements of their idol.