It would seem that today there are many ways to get rid of excess hair permanently, or at least for a long time: photoepilation, hot wax, electric epilators. But all of these products are expensive and difficult to remove with their help, so shaving remains the fastest and most comfortable way to remove hair. Of course, if you can choose the right razor.

Step 1
Determine the type of shaving razor you need. There are only two of them - reusable and disposable. A reusable machine assumes that its blades can be changed, and a disposable one is made as a whole with the blade and, after the latter is dull, it is simply thrown away. Of course, a reusable machine is more expensive. Disposable razors are usually sold in a set of 3-5 pieces and are most often bought for travel, when it is inconvenient to carry a familiar razor.
Step 2
Consider if you need the extra features of your shaving razor. For example, there are machines that have shaving gel embedded in the blades. On the one hand, it is convenient and fast, but the gel pads wear out faster than the blades themselves, and you have to change them much more often. Do you agree to this uneconomical option? But if you have sensitive skin and you constantly suffer from irritations, choosing a razor with moisturizing strips will be useful.
Step 3
Determine other characteristics of the shaver for yourself. How many blades do you prefer in your shaving head? The more of them, the faster you shave and the smoother the skin after the procedure. But it also increases the chances of cutting yourself. Also, remember: the more blades in the machine, the more expensive they are. And you will have to buy blades every 2-3 weeks, depending on how often you use the razor. Some models of shaving machines are also equipped with a micro comb - it lifts the hairs, which allows them to be shaved more thoroughly.
Step 4
Select the company of the shaving machine. You can use the same one as before if the shaver suits you completely. You can also focus on the reviews of friends or on the forums. You should not strive only for well-promoted companies - a brand does not guarantee quality. However, the advantages of the well-known brand of the company are obvious: you can always find the necessary blades for your machine.