What Is Speech Communication

What Is Speech Communication
What Is Speech Communication

To define the concept of "speech communication" it is necessary to understand two important points: what is the purpose of speech communication and what is it based on. This will help you understand the importance of this type of communication in modern life.

What is speech communication
What is speech communication

The purpose of speech communication

The closest meaning of the word "communication" is communication. The most important means of communication between people is the use of language. It acts as an instrument of cognition and an instrument of thinking. Thanks to this, communication is the main mechanism for the formation of a person's personality and a means of influencing the personality of the surrounding society. However, the main purpose of speech communication is the exchange of various kinds of information. It is clear that this goal can be achieved not only with the help of language. Since ancient times, society has used additional means of transmitting information and communication. Some of them still exist today.

An example is the indigenous population of Africa. They use drum cues, whistle tongues, bell cues, and so on. This is part of verbal communication, as it contributes to the achievement of the main goal, that is, the exchange of information. In the East, they use the "language of flowers" for this. It is used when information cannot be expressed in words. For example, a rose is a symbol of love, an aster is a symbol of sadness, and so on.

What is speech communication based on

Verbal communication is based on three important factors: verbal behavior, verbal communication, and speech act. Of these, the term "speech communication" is synonymous with the term "speech communication". Both of these concepts mean a two-way process, as well as the interaction of people in the process of communication.

The term "speech behavior" reflects the one-sidedness of the process. It includes features and properties that characterize speech reactions and the very speech of one of the participants in the situation, that is, either the addressee or the addressee. This term can be used to describe speaking in a meeting and in other situations. However, it will not help to analyze the dialogue, because in this case it is necessary to reveal not only speech behavior, but also the mechanisms of speech mutual actions. It can be concluded that verbal communication just includes verbal behavior.

A speech act is a concept that denotes specific speech actions of a person who speaks within the framework of any communicative situation. One can imagine the situation between the seller and the buyer in the market. Their dialogue, based on the purchase of a product, includes different speech acts: a request for information, a message, a request, and so on.

It is clear that the process of verbal communication often involves the use of language means, its grammar and vocabulary. However, for a successful exchange of information, it is important to know the conditions under which certain linguistic units and phrases are used.

Thus, speech communication is a broad concept that includes various methods of information exchange, which allows the development of both society as a whole and each person individually.
