Ore refers to such natural minerals that can serve as a material for economically profitable extraction for the purpose of further processing. Ores are non-metallic and metallic. After mining, the ore must be washed or sieved. Consider the methods of screening ore.

Step 1
A device called a screen is used to screen the ore. A shaker is a large vibrating sieve or grate. It is used for sieving bulk materials in industry. This mechanism got its name for the characteristic noise during operation.
Step 2
The screen separates lumpy or free-flowing material into smaller particles by means of a screening surface with small calibration holes. Thus, rocks are divided into fractions, and the previously washed ore is thus freed from excess water.
Step 3
There are more than 5 types of different screens. Sometimes the ore is screened on a drum - this is a screen, which is imparted with a rotational motion. These are fixed screens, partially movable, rotating, flat movable screens, hydraulic and some others.
Step 4
There are production facilities where ore is sieved at once on several screens, and all of them are of different types. They differ in the diameter of the sorting holes. After screening, ore is divided into rich, which then goes to further processing, coarsely disseminated, which is then sent for additional crushing, finely disseminated - for crushing and waste rock, which is sent to the dump.
Step 5
It is curious to know that the screen is an improved model of the washing sieve that has been used by prospectors since ancient times. However, the washing sieve is still used today in some small deposits of gold, diamonds and other valuable metals.