What Is Relocation

What Is Relocation
What Is Relocation

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Moving is an action aimed at changing the location of something in space. This capacious concept is used in almost all areas of knowledge, but only in the exact sciences is it considered a term.

What is relocation
What is relocation


Step 1

Displacement in physics is a change in the position of a physical object in space according to the selected specific frame of reference. In addition, displacement is also a directional vector that characterizes this change in the position of the object. Moving has such a property as additivity.

In mechanics, the movement of a body is a directed segment of a straight line, or a vector, that connects the original location of a given body to its position after a certain period of time.

Step 2

The modulus of movement is not equal to the distance traveled in all cases, but only when the direction of movement during movement is unchanged, i.e. the path of movement is represented by a straight line. In the case of curvilinear motion, the path will always be greater than the displacement.

Step 3

Moving in medicine means the separation of a muscle, tendon during the operation performed, with its further fixation in a new position and place. Such operations are widely used to correct vision defects in strabismus; this is a frequently used procedure in plastic surgery, when skin flaps with underlying tissues are cut in a certain way from some parts of the body in order to eliminate large defects in tissues and skin in other areas - the so-called. autotransplantation.

In economics, movement is one of the types of production losses that can be eliminated by the correct organization of labor and workflow, automation and the maximum division of one work into several sequential operations, as well as an even distribution of the workload.

Step 4

In jurisprudence, movement in accordance with the labor code determines the order of the employer in relation to the employee to carry out his production skills, performed by him at the place of his previous work in a new workplace, as in any structural department. When moving an employee, there is no need for his consent. However, you need to substantiate the character.