To see a miniature thing with the naked eye requires excellent vision. But in some cases even it will not help, because many objects of the microworld are hidden from the eyes of even the most keen observer. And then the microscope comes to the rescue. Modern types of these devices are capable of adjusting to any vision. The main thing is to be able to use the microscope correctly.

- - microscope;
- - light filters;
- - a sheet of paper and a pencil;
- - table;
- - a comfortable chair.
Step 1
Place the microscope in front of you on a secure stand such as a table. The device should be located slightly to the left of you, a few centimeters from the edge of the table. Once the microscope is in place, try not to move it until the observation is complete.
Step 2
If the device has a backlight, aim it evenly at the object under study and adjust. Dim too bright light using blue or green filters.
Step 3
Before using the device, check its settings and correct them if necessary. To set up the microscope, draw a small cross on a white piece of paper. Place the sheet on the stage with the cross in the middle of the field of view.
Step 4
Look through the microscope with one eye. Now close your eye and look at the cross for others. If the cross remains in the center of the field of view, the settings are correct. If, when looking at the cross with the second eye, it looks displaced, adjust the device with the corresponding screws.
Step 5
If you are using a binocular microscope, also adjust the depth of vision and the distance between the eyes to suit your individual needs.
Step 6
Prepare all materials for research in advance, they should be at hand, not far from the stage, but not interfere with observations. Place the object you are interested in on the stage and start researching.
Step 7
While examining the object of observation through the microscope, take the correct posture. It is advisable to sit still, in the same position. Elbows should touch the table. Pre-select a chair so that it is comfortable; adjust it in height if the design allows it.
Step 8
Do not use the microscope for more than fifteen minutes in a row. Otherwise, you can acquire myopia. After a short look at the object, pause, filling it with eye gymnastics (move your eyes in different directions, up and down, blink). Look out the window at a distant object, and then cover your eyes with your palms for a couple of minutes.