How To Choose A Headstone

How To Choose A Headstone
How To Choose A Headstone

The death of a loved one is a heavy loss that you have to come to terms with. However, even if this person is no longer around, he will remain in the hearts of his family. The installation of a tombstone will help perpetuate such a memory. Remember that the memorial you acquire should last as long as possible, preserving the memory for several generations. Therefore, the choice of this ritual product should be taken with full responsibility.

How to choose a headstone
How to choose a headstone

Tombstone type and color

First of all, you should not stop your choice on a tombstone made of low-quality cheap material. As a rule, an overly low price is a guarantee of the fragility of the product. It is recommended to purchase memorial monuments made of natural stones - for example, granite, marble, serpentine. The most durable of these materials is granite.

You can also choose the appropriate color and shade of the product. It should be borne in mind that a monument of bright color will look inappropriate in a cemetery. However, it is not at all necessary to give preference to only black or gray. Consult with a specialist of the funeral company, perhaps he will tell you the best solution.

Tombstone size

It often happens that relatives, trying to show how they respected and appreciated the deceased, erect a huge tombstone for him using the maximum allowable size. However, this is not always correct. Here we can cite monuments in Europe as an example: there are almost all the same tombstones. At the same time, relatives do not compete with each other who will install the monument larger, higher and more massive.

Registration of the memorial monument

In addition to the pedestal, you can order its decorative design - an image of a portrait or other artistic element, inscriptions or epitaphs. All this is a really good way to express in symbols and words what this person was like, how dear he was to you.

The name of the deceased, the date of his birth and death can be engraved on the tombstone. Contrary to common practice, some relatives indicate the short name of the deceased, sometimes even a special one, adopted in the family circle. This usually applies to deceased or deceased children and adolescents.

A photograph of a deceased or deceased person can either be installed on a tombstone, or ordered already engraved on a plate. Modern technology makes it possible to transfer a portrait of the deceased from a photograph of any quality to the tombstone. However, for best results, it is recommended that you submit a digital photograph in high resolution. Photocopies of photographs are highly discouraged as they often produce blurry and faded images when transferred.

An engraved drawing is usually associated with the professional activities of the deceased or represents some kind of symbol - for example, an icon, a cross, the Tree of Life, cut flowers, etc.

Traditionally, an epitaph (grave inscription) is a short sentence in prose or poetic form, engraved on a memorial monument. Usually, a cliché phrase or a saying from the Bible is chosen as an epitaph. Among all the above methods of decorating a monument, it is the gravestone inscription that is the most expressive, “speaking” element.
