Environmental risk is an assessment of the likelihood of negative changes in the environment. Such changes can be triggered by anthropogenic impacts on the natural environment.

Usually, before starting the organization of some kind of production, a mandatory environmental risk assessment is carried out. Often scientific research is carried out for this, combining the study of scientific predictions and real facts.
Acceptable Environmental Risk Rules
When carrying out environmental risks, certain rules of permissible environmental risk should be taken into account. These include:
- inevitable losses of the natural environment;
-minimal losses in the natural environment;
- the likelihood of recovery of environmental losses;
-Compatibility of the economic effect from the implementation of the project with environmental harm.
By the way, environmental risk is not always the most dangerous for human life. There are other health risks as well.
Classification of environmental risks
There are five main types of environmental risks. A person can be considered an object of individual environmental risk. It is his sources of vital activity that are the sources of risks. As a result of individual environmental risk, a person can be caused death or disability.
All kinds of technical systems and objects should be called the object of technical risk. Very often it is the imperfection of technology that leads to accidents and disasters. Violation of the rules for the operation of such facilities will necessarily lead to negative consequences. Often, ecological systems also become objects of environmental risk. The source of environmental risk can be called human interference with environmental conditions.
The object of social environmental risk means an established social group. Accordingly, the source is a decrease in the quality of life and some kind of emergency. As a result, extremely undesirable events can occur in a social group. This refers to diseases and group injuries.
Material resources are often the object of environmental risk. Economic risk determines the likelihood of increased safety costs and environmental damage from insufficient security.
In fact, the work on assessing environmental risks implies a discussion of possible environmental damage and some kind of economic losses as a result of certain events. This is a very serious scientific work that only professional environmentalists can carry out.