How To Calculate The Negative Impact On The Environment

How To Calculate The Negative Impact On The Environment
How To Calculate The Negative Impact On The Environment

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Anthropogenic pollution of the environment accompanies any illiterately organized production process. Even a small enterprise that is not equipped with filters and exceeds the maximum permissible emission concentration has a negative impact on human and animal health. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out environmental calculations and control the level of pollution generated by the enterprise.

How to calculate the negative impact on the environment
How to calculate the negative impact on the environment


Step 1

The ecological situation in Russia is getting worse and worse every year. Constant pollution of the soil with synthetic materials, the atmosphere - with acid vapors, and water - with various phenol-containing emissions cause significant damage to nature. Moreover, the last link in the biosphere - water - is a kind of "collector" of pollutants. Various toxic substances enter rivers and lakes through sediments and soil. On the other hand, water is a natural filter and, therefore, is able to withstand a greater load in the form of pollutants than other parts of the biosphere. However, in water, as well as in the atmosphere, one cannot exceed the so-called MPC - the maximum permissible concentration of pollutants. In order to understand what impact this or that enterprise has on the biosphere, and to prevent further pollution of the environment by it, it is necessary not only to carry out calculations, but also to carry out a complex measure - the so-called ecological expertise.

Step 2

Environmental expertise is an assessment of the level of impact of economic or other activities (including those that have not yet begun) on the environment and natural resources. When designing any objects or construction, it is important to take into account in advance all the negative factors that in the future may negatively affect people's health. If there are enough of these factors, a decision is often made to terminate the existence of an object in a given area. Especially dangerous, including petrochemical, enterprises are being built at the maximum distance from villages and residential complexes. When choosing a place for them, even the direction of the wind is taken into account. Since it is northern in Moscow, all enterprises of this profile in it are located in the south.

Step 3

In the process of carrying out certain calculations or measurements, each ecologist is guided by specially developed documentation and rules. First, an environmental impact assessment (EIA) is carried out, on the basis of which it is possible to judge the state of the environment in a given area as a whole, as well as carry out eco-control and environmental audit. The last two processes make it possible to obtain an assessment of the activities of enterprises and facilities in general. Each part of the biosphere is then examined and the formula below can be used to determine how much pollutant is released into the atmosphere per year. It is suitable even for those cases when the facility is not equipped with a treatment plant: Motx = 10 ^ -6 * Cmax * y * t, where C max is the maximum concentration of the substance before cleaning, g / m ^ 3, y is the volumetric flow rate of the gas-air mixture in unit of time, m ^ 3 / s, t is the operating time of the equipment per year, s. If the source of pollution is equipped with a filter or cyclone, the cleaning efficiency is first calculated: K = M actual / Mwsv. (Мпдк), where М is fact. - the amount of emissions over the past year, Мвсв - the amount of temporarily agreed emissions, М пдк. - the amount of maximum permissible emissions.

Step 4

The calculation of the surface concentration of substances is of great importance. It often depends on the terrain, which affects the dispersion of harmful substances. More hilly areas have high concentrations of harmful substances on the surface, especially on the windward side of the hill, which is caused by the reduced pressure on that side. According to the formula below, the maximum value of the surface concentration is found: Cm = A * M * F * m * n *? / H ^ 2 * V? T ^ 1/3, where A is a coefficient depending on temperature stratification, M is a mass of harmful substance emitted per unit of time, g / s, F is a coefficient that takes into account the sedimentation rate of harmful substances in the air, V is the volume of emitted gases, m ^ 3 / s,? - coefficient taking into account the influence of the terrain.

Step 5

On the basis of ground-level concentrations, it is possible to calculate the MPE - the maximum permissible emission. It is measured in grams per second and is found by the formula: MPE = (MPC-Cf) * H ^ 2 * V? T ^ 1/3 / AF * m * n * ?, Cf is the background concentration, which includes pollution from other sources, in addition to the tasks specified in the condition, while the condition, which is the main aspect of the environmental impact assessment, must be met: Cf + Cm?
