What Products Have Holes

What Products Have Holes
What Products Have Holes

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There are not many products with holes in stores, except for cheese and bagels. At the same time, many buyers are interested in the meaning of the presence of holes in the cheese - if the roll holes can still be explained by the shape of this product, then the cheese holes cause slight bewilderment among people.

What products have holes
What products have holes


To make cheese, manufacturers add complex enzymes, bacteria and special fungi to milk, thanks to which the cheese gets a certain appearance and taste. The added bacteria convert the milk sugar into gas - this happens after a hard outer crust has formed on the surface of the cheese. As the cheese ripens, the gas seeks out through the crust and accumulates in the cheese mass, forming numerous bubbles. After the cheese is cut into pieces, these bubbles burst and become holes.

The longer the cheese is aged and the more hard it has, the larger the holes in it.

According to one of the laws of the United States of America, the diameter of cheese holes according to the regulations must be at least one third of an inch and not more than three quarters of it. However, some manufacturers claim that these indicators do not meet the gold standards for the quality of cheese products. Correctly made cheese, they said, should have a hole diameter of one to five centimeters, roughly the size of a large cherry. Only if these conditions are met, cheese can claim the status of a high-quality and properly aged product.


Bagels are a round culinary product of traditional Russian cuisine made from wheat dough, which was first processed with hot steam or boiled in water and then baked. Also, bagels are often called dryers, pretzels or bagels - depending on the softness, moisture content and diameter of the hole in the manufactured product.

Popularly, bagels are often referred to as various round objects with a hole in the middle - for example, a steering wheel or a wheel.

The hole in the donut was originally intended for threading the rope through which the donut bundles were previously sold in stores. Today it is nothing more than a tradition, besides, it is convenient to hold bagels even for small children - it is enough to thread a finger into it and, in addition to food, the child also receives an entertaining toy.

There are many ways to make bagels - they are made from unleavened dough, with pastry poppy seeds, caramelized, sprinkled with salt, cinnamon or caraway seeds. Bagels are often used as a beer snack - bagels with minced meat, sesame seeds or dates are ideal for this purpose. Those with a sweet tooth love Polish buttered bagels, custard bagels, buttered bagels, and whistling bagels.
