How To Choose A Breathalyzer

How To Choose A Breathalyzer
How To Choose A Breathalyzer

A breathalyzer is a device that allows you to determine the content of alcohol vapors in the exhaled air. For the correct choice of such a device, one should take into account the type of sensor, the frequency of use and its scope.


The principle of operation of the breathalyzer

A breathalyzer is a necessary attribute that every modern driver should have. In fact, the principle of its operation is quite simple. For a few seconds, a person breathes air into the breathalyzer through a special tube or hole on the body. After switching on, the device takes some time to warm up the working element. Then the device analyzes the obtained material and after a couple of seconds gives the result in ppm.

The power source for the breathalyzer can be a regular battery or a built-in rechargeable battery. There are also devices that can be charged from the cigarette lighter in the car.

How to determine the type of sensor

If you decide to purchase a breathalyzer, you should decide on the type of work item used in it. There are devices with electrochemical, semiconductor and infrared sensors.

Breathalyzer with a semiconductor sensor is characterized by measurement instability. They are more suitable for domestic use. Often, such devices do not have mouthpieces, as a result of which the air has to be exhaled into a special hole. Because of this, the unit captures 20% less alcohol vapor.

As for the breathalyzers with an electrochemical sensor, they have a high level of accuracy. The device can be calibrated no more than once a year. The tester with an electrochemical working cell allows you to take a large number of measurements throughout the day. At the same time, its sensitivity does not decrease.

Devices with an infrared sensor use a special spectrophotometer. With its help, it turns out to most accurately determine the concentration of alcohol. But it is only recommended to use it under certain conditions of temperature and humidity.

Scope of application of the breathalyzer

When choosing a breathalyzer, a lot depends on the scope of its subsequent use. Medical institutions, taxi companies and other organizations prefer to buy professional devices that have a long lifespan. These breathalyzers are certified and allow up to 300 measurements per day.

Semi-professional or special breathalyzers usually come with replaceable mouthpieces. They can also be used to make accurate measurements. This is the best option for checking the pre-trip condition of drivers. Special breathalyzers are affordable and compact.

But personal or household breathalyzers are not intended for long-term measurements. Of course, the driver can independently determine the concentration of alcohol in the exhaled air, but only approximately. Some household models don't even have displays. They have light indication.

What else to look for when choosing?

When choosing a breathalyzer, you should focus on the cost and a well-known manufacturer. The most popular are devices of such brands as "Dingo" and "Drager Alcotest".

It is also better to buy a device with a replaceable sensor and removable mouthpieces. Then you do not need to contact the service center once again. Well, the periodic change of mouthpieces allows you to increase the measurement accuracy several times.
