How Mosquitoes Appear

How Mosquitoes Appear
How Mosquitoes Appear

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Mosquitoes are insects with a full cycle of transformations. They develop in four stages, each of which is very short. The life span of a mosquito is approximately 2-3 weeks. During this time, not one, but several generations of insects may have time to appear.

How mosquitoes appear
How mosquitoes appear


Step 1

Mosquitoes are heterosexual creatures. After the male fertilizes the female mosquito, she begins to seek warm blood. If the "hunt" is successful, the blood inside the female mosquito is gradually digested, and due to this, the testicles are formed and matured. After a certain period of time, the mosquito will be ready to lay eggs. This requires only fresh water, for example, a puddle. Mosquitoes are very sensitive to moisture, so they can quickly find water.

Step 2

A female mosquito is capable of laying over a hundred testicles at a time. They are developing very quickly. This process takes only 7-8 days. In many ways, the rate of formation of the larva in the egg depends on the ambient temperature. In summer, conditions are very favorable, and soon mosquito larvae emerge from the eggs. Their length is approximately two millimeters. Future mosquitoes easily find food in stagnant water - they feed on various tiny organisms.

Step 3

Mosquito larvae molt several times as they grow, after which they turn into a pupa. This is quite curious - mosquito pupae are very mobile and their speed of movement is much higher than that of the larva itself. The fact is that if the pupae do not constantly move in the water, then they will emerge and become vulnerable to predators. Initially, the mosquito pupa is brown in color, but by the end of its formation it turns black. The pupal stage in mosquitoes is even shorter than the larval stage. Its duration is only four days.

Step 4

An adult insect appears from the pupa - a mosquito. Otherwise, it is called imago. He breaks the pupa's skin, pushing his head forward, that is, first of all, the proboscis of a mosquito appears, and only after that everything else. Male mosquitoes develop faster than females, so they emerge from pupae a little earlier.
