How To Move With Children To Another City

How To Move With Children To Another City
How To Move With Children To Another City

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Changing your life is joyful, exciting and disturbing. Does anyone know for sure what awaits him in a new place? It is often especially difficult for children to move to another city, because they are used to home, to relatives and friends, and the reasons why adults move are not clear to them. What should you care about first when moving with children and what not to forget in the hustle and bustle?

How to move with children to another city
How to move with children to another city


Step 1

Make a move plan. Include all the little things in there. Think about when you pack your things, whether it is possible to involve the child if it is large enough, or it would be better to arrange with relatives so that they stay with the baby for a while. Include trips to official bodies, farewell parties with friends, and sales of unwanted items in the plan. You will not rush and get nervous if you have a clear guide to action, and the child will not get underfoot and interfere.

Step 2

Check all documents. Make sure that all the necessary vaccinations have been made for the child, the medical examination has been passed, the recommendations of the doctors in writing have been received, and the medical policy is in place. If your child is in school, take a testimonial from the class teacher. This is not necessary, but in the new school it will be easier for the teacher to approach it. Take care of inquiries from circles and sports sections. This will help you quickly identify your child for similar extracurricular activities in another city. Collecting all certificates and documents is a rather tedious and long task, so do not put it off until the last moment.

Step 3

Prepare your child for the move in advance. Show photos of the city where you are going to live, tell about its merits. If the child is old enough, give him a reason to move. Just tell the truth. Do not be afraid to tell your child about the difficulties and problems that may arise in a new place. If you set up your child to move to the magical world, it will be very difficult for him to face reality. Find the right words to explain that he will have to give up some things. But he will have new friends, a large apartment will have his own room and you will be able to go to the sea more and more often, because in another city you found a better job.

Step 4

Collect your emergency handbag. Even if the journey takes several hours by car, various surprises can happen on the road. Put medicines, wet wipes, linens, nuts, and snack crackers in your bag. Do not forget to bring a couple of books, CDs with your favorite songs and toys if the child is young.
