Nowadays, smooth-bore weapons are very popular and are used mainly for hunting and sports competitions. There comes a time when the weapon needs to be cleaned, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. Cleaning smooth-bore weapons is a rather laborious process that will require time and certain skills from you.

- - brass wire brush (by the size of the chamber);
- - coil spring brush for lead removal;
- - puff;
- - visher;
- - bristle ruff;
- - special spray and oil;
- - wooden collapsible cleaning rod;
- - clean cotton fabric;
- - paper or unnecessary newspapers.
Step 1
First of all, disassemble the weapon, following the instructions that came with it. Then use an alkaline spray to completely fill the barrel bore and apply the spray to the breech so that it enters the ejector / extractor mechanism. Do not forget about the muzzle end of the barrels at a distance of 4-6 cm from the muzzle. Take the stock with the receiver and spray the end of the receiver inside. Leave both sides for half an hour.
Step 2
After the lapse of time, take the barrels, a ramrod with a cherry and two strips of cotton cloth - in one motion remove the alkali from each barrel. Wipe the barrel bores dry.
Step 3
Next, sprinkle a generous amount of neutral oil into each barrel and wipe them dry. Then take a twisted spring ruff and walk it along each of the barrels from the chamber to the muzzle (1 time). Wipe them off, take a ramrod, a brass wire brush and gently twist it along the barrels from the chamber to the choke. After that, spray the trunks with oil again and wipe them off.
Step 4
Use a clean cloth and a wooden stick to clean the ejectors / extractors. Take the oil spray and blow through the extraction mechanism of the sleeves with a jet, advancing them for an even flow of oil. Repeat the procedure to completely remove any traces of alkali. Wipe off any drips and excess spray with a tissue.
Step 5
Moisten the puff with oil and, using a ramrod, lubricate the barrels from the chamber to the chokes. Use a cloth slightly moistened with oil to clean the sighting bar. Also lubricate the end of the breech, all rubbing parts of the shoe and the forend lock. After cleaning and lubricating, place the barrels on a clean newspaper.
Step 6
Take the stock / receiver in your hands and wipe the alkali from the mirror with a dry napkin. Then clean it and the inside of the powder and carbon deposits. Pull the triggers and rub off the points of the strikers. Spray the inside of the mirror and box with oil and let the excess drain off. Using a straw, put a few drops of oil into the holes of the cocking device and each striker.
Step 7
With a dry cloth, wipe the wooden parts of the box, the metal parts of the box on the outside and the trigger guard. Be sure to wipe off any splashes and drips of oil from metal and wood.
Step 8
Moisten a cloth with neutral oil and wipe the metal parts of the forend from carbon deposits and dust with it. At the end of cleaning, collect the weapon and finally wipe the wooden parts with a dry cloth, and the metal parts with a cloth dipped in oil.