Elevator Unit And Its Purpose

Elevator Unit And Its Purpose
Elevator Unit And Its Purpose

The elevator unit is one of the main components of the heating systems of any multi-storey or private house. According to the standards, there are several temperature regimes in the boiler room, and if the water temperature exceeds 95 degrees, it must be reduced. This is the task of the elevator unit.

Elevator unit and its purpose
Elevator unit and its purpose

Any heating system is equipped with two pipelines. Hot water enters the house through the supply, and the cooled water returns to the boiler room from the heating system through the return pipeline. The heat chamber supplies hot water to the basement of the house, where stop valves or valves are always installed at the entrance. The further work of the coolant will be determined by its temperature. Three heat levels are used: 150, 130 and 95 degrees. If the temperature of the coolant does not exceed 95 ° C, then the heat simply spreads throughout the heating system and a collector with balancing taps helps in this. But if the temperature rises above this, such water must be cooled, this is the work of the elevator unit.

The principle of operation of the elevator unit

The elevator unit consists of a jet elevator, nozzle, vacuum chamber and elevator piping with a set of control thermometers and manometers. It cools the superheated water to the required temperature while mixing hot water with chilled water from the supply and return pipelines. After that, the coolant enters the heating system of residential premises. It is the elevator that is responsible for the efficiency of the heating system and simultaneously performs two functions: a circulation pump and a mixer. In addition, the efficient design of the elevator assembly is simple and inexpensive. It does not require electricity to work.

Disadvantages of the elevator unit

There are a number of disadvantages in the operation of the elevator unit: it is necessary to constantly maintain the pressure in the forward and return pipelines within 0.8-2 bar; the outlet temperature is not adjustable; an accurate calculation of each element of the elevator is required. Despite the indicated disadvantages, elevator units are widely used in the communal heating system. This is due to the stability of their work, regardless of changes in the thermal and hydraulic regimes. They don't need constant supervision. Adjusting them is reduced to setting the desired nozzle diameter.

Currently, elevator units are being replaced by more modern devices that are able to regulate the temperature of the coolant in an automatic mode. They are much more expensive, but much more economical and energy efficient. However, for their operation, an electric power supply is required, and with a high power.
