For the first time the term "logistics" (Greek - "the art of calculating, reasoning") was encountered in the commissary service of the Armed Forces, in treatises on the art of war of Emperor Leo VI. In the Byzantine Empire, there were "logistics", whose responsibility was the distribution of products. In Russian, this word appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, thanks to the French military man Antoine Jomini.

The modern meaning of the word "logistics" denotes a part of economics that carries out a rational process of promoting services and goods from producer to consumer, the functioning of the sphere of circulation of products, services and goods, the creation of a commodity circulation infrastructure, management of commodity stocks. There is also a broader understanding of the term "logistics" - This is the science of planning, controlling and managing the movement of information, material and financial resources in different systems. Military logistics refers to the well-functioning work of the military industry, transport (land, sea, air transport) and logistic service. In some countries, the concept of "military logistics" has remained, in Russian this word is associated exclusively with business. Business logistics implies various logistics systems (compatibility of actions of participants in the same logistics chain: manufacturers, transport organizations, stores), built to carry out logistics tasks. The concept of "procurement logistics" characterizes the supply of materials to production in the shortest possible time, of excellent quality and with maximum economic efficiency. Distribution logistics refers to a set of measures responsible for the interconnection of the functions of the process of distributing material flow between wholesale buyers. Retail logistics implies research into the system integration of functions carried out as a result of the distribution of material and related service, information and financial flows between the consumer, i.e. in the process of selling goods. The main goal of marketing logistics is to deliver goods at the right time, place and at the lowest cost. Transport logistics means a system for delivering goods, moving it from one point to another at a minimum cost. The detailed functions of this logistics are the personnel involved in the implementation of the assigned tasks (loaders, drivers), the classification of vehicles (measured by volume in cubic meters), and the pricing policy depending on fuels and lubricants, labor, transport services.