How To Distinguish A Constructor

How To Distinguish A Constructor
How To Distinguish A Constructor

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Among the educational games, various children's construction sets are especially popular. Their assortment is so large that many parents are at a loss, not knowing which brand to choose. And here it is better to listen to the opinions of specialists - child psychologists.

How to distinguish a constructor
How to distinguish a constructor


Step 1

A child's construction set must be, first of all, safe for a child. This essential requirement is met by models produced by the world's leading manufacturers LEGO, Fischertechnik, Megabloks, Chemoplast, Merkur, Smoby and many others. They differ from cheap Chinese fakes in high quality materials, durability and safety of parts during operation.

Step 2

Look at the label, an equally important quality of the constructor is its compliance with the age and developmental level of the baby. In other words, what is good for a five-year-old boy is unlikely to work for a two-year-old girl. Another point - the designer must be "within the power" of the child, that is, he must have the strength to assemble his connecting elements and make from them exactly the product that is interesting to him.

Step 3

However, there is another problem that parents face - a huge number of low-quality fakes. There are several signs by which you can most likely distinguish a branded product from a fake. As a rule, the latter are much cheaper. The low price of the designer should alert you.

Step 4

Pay attention to the packaging of the designer. For children's designers from the world's leading manufacturers, it is of high quality, where bright saturated colors, clear interesting patterns prevail. Be sure to show the name of the designer on the box, the age for which it is designed, as well as the article number of the product.

Step 5

Smell the product. Certified products do not have the harsh chemical odor typical of low-quality toys. Shake the packaging, as a rule, branded products are well packed in plastic bags, so you should not hear the sound of crumbling parts.

Step 6

To finally dispel the last doubts, ask the sales assistant to present you with a certificate of quality for the constructor. And the last thing to remember. The likelihood of running into a fake in a well-known store with a long-term solid reputation is much less than in the clothing market.
