What Does A Chupacabra Look Like?

What Does A Chupacabra Look Like?
What Does A Chupacabra Look Like?

The secrets of the world around them continue to excite mankind: the civilization of Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle, the corpses of green men hidden by NASA in secret laboratories … To these traditional riddles, a new one was recently added - the mysterious and dangerous beast Chupacabra, the thunder of domestic animals.

What does a chupacabra look like?
What does a chupacabra look like?

Where did the Chupacabra come from?

For the first time they started talking about the Chupacabra in the mid-90s of the last century in Puerto Rico, where they found several bloodless dead goats. After examination, the local veterinarian found 1-2 small punctures on the corpses of animals, with a diameter of straw, through which, apparently, blood had been drunk. The hypothetical vampire was named Chupacabra, which means "sucking goats" in Spanish.

In a similar way, animals have been killed before, but the local legend became popular after the mysterious bloodsucker was told on television and on the Internet. Similar cases of animal deaths were found in the United States, the Philippines and Europe, including Russia.

What was the Chupacabra seen

The eyewitness accounts of the Chupacabra's appearance do not always coincide. It is usually described as a hairless creature about 70 cm tall at the withers, with large glowing eyes, sharp long fangs and hind legs like a kangaroo. Sometimes a ridge detail is added along the back, like a dinosaur. There are, however, victims of the Chupacabra who saw the beast covered with thick long hair. There is no unanimity about the size of the bloodsucker - some have met a chupacabra about 2 m tall.

Enthusiastic researchers, based on these discrepancies, concluded that hairy chupacabras live in cold latitudes, while bald ones live in warm latitudes.

To some, a bloodsucker resembles a dog, to someone - a rat. Witnesses from South America claim, in addition, that the beast has membranes between the fingers, like a flying squirrel. Residents of Belarus, affected by the mysterious vampire, claim that he swims beautifully. However, other eyewitnesses are sure that they saw sharp claws on the chupacabra's paws. There is no unanimity about the sounds that the beast makes: from a terrible growl to a shrill screech. It can be concluded that the descriptions of the predator are a mixture of fears, pictures from horror movies and real animals.

Who is Chupacabra

Currently, there is no reliable information about the Chupacabra. Unfortunately, no one has yet managed to take the predator alive. Driven to despair, the owners of the dead animals set traps against the bloodsucker, and sometimes terrifying bald, toothy animals did fall into them. However, studies have shown that these are bald coyotes, wolves or foxes. If baldness was caused by a skin disease, there were formations on the nape of the animal that really resembled a dinosaur crest.

In New Mexico, a highly unusual-looking corpse was found, initially identified as the remains of a Chupacabra. Later it turned out that this is the skeleton of a stingray.

However, such an ordinary explanation does not suit romantics who are hungry for secrets and intrigues. They put forward alternative versions of the origin of the chupacabra, for example, that it is the result of experiments by genetic scientists who escaped from the laboratory and bred in the wild. The mystery will remain unsolved until a specimen of a real Chupacabra falls into the hands of scientists.
