Pruning vines is a constant concern of the grower, because this plant has great vigor and unique shoots. The pruning process controls the plant, resulting in an increase in the quantity and quality of the fruit. Also, the winter hardiness of vines and their resistance to diseases and pests are improved. How and when to properly prune grapes grown outdoors?

- - flat bypass pruner for cutting green shoots;
- - contact persistent secateurs for pruning old lignified vines.
Step 1
In the first year in spring, plant the vine and prune it about 15 cm from the soil surface. In this case, two healthy buds should remain on the shoot. In the summer, allow only one strong shoot to develop. Pinch all the lateral shoots formed on it by 2-3 cm, as they appear. In the fall, prune the vine to 0.5 m from the soil level, so that 3 good buds remain at the top.
Step 2
In the spring of the second year, tie the vine to a trellis and let the top three shoots (of the three buds at the top) grow freely. Pinch all other lateral shoots by 2-3 cm. In the fall, cut off the uppermost shoot, leaving only 3 buds. Shorten the two remaining shoots so that their length is no more than 1 meter.
Step 3
In the spring of the third year, fix horizontally two meter shoots on a trellis. In summer, many fruit-bearing shoots will grow from them. Thin them in such a way that the distance between the neighboring ones is at least 15-20 cm. From the three upper buds of the central shoot, form three vertical replacement shoots. As soon as two brushes are tied on vertical fruiting shoots, pinch them over the second leaf after the ovary (brush). Don't let the vines grow above the top wire. Strong growth will weaken fruiting vines, and the berries in bunches will not have time to ripen. In the fall, completely cut out two vines that had fruit-bearing shoots.
Step 4
Repeat the cutting cycles in subsequent years. Form replacement vines from the top buds of the central shoot each year. And in the fall, cut out the sprouted shoots. Remove all root shoots that appear at the base of an old vine if you do not want to rejuvenate the plant. Otherwise, leave one strong shoot and form a new "sleeve" (shoot) from it, and remove the old vine in the fall.