What Is Heroism

What Is Heroism
What Is Heroism

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The Public Opinion Foundation recently conducted a survey among passers-by on the streets of Moscow on the topic: "Who do you know of the heroes of Russia?" It turned out that 40% of respondents find it difficult to name at least one name, and 20% think that there are no real heroes in real life.

What is heroism
What is heroism


Step 1

Heroism is a certain form of human behavior that can be called a heroic deed from a moral point of view. A hero can be both an individual and a group of people, a certain class or a whole nation. Representatives of this category of humanity take on especially difficult and important tasks and the solution of large-scale problems. They are much more responsible in performing their duties than other people in a similar situation.

Step 2

In the history of ethical thought, the question of the problem of heroes has been repeatedly raised. Many theorists of the past (Hegel, G. Vico, etc.) associate heroism only with the heroic period of Ancient Greece. This period is fully described in the texts of ancient mythology. The mythical hero is always endowed with supernatural power and enjoys divine protection, thanks to which he performs feats for the sake of humanity. Epic heroes believe in fate and providence, but at the same time are responsible for their actions.

Step 3

Hegel and Vicu argued that heroism no longer exists in the modern world, and that it has been replaced by clearly formed concepts of morality and morality, which imply a balance between duties and human rights. Practically any bourgeois society excludes manifestations of heroism from its life, it is replaced by cold practical calculation, caution, dogmatism and strict laws. At the same time, in the Renaissance, the creation of such a society required the heroes themselves: revolutionaries with comprehensively developed thinking. This time especially badly needed brilliant scientists, strong leaders and simply extraordinary personalities.

Step 4

Bourgeois romantics (T. Carlyle, F. Schlegel, etc.) picked up and tried to develop further the idea of heroes, but their interpretation changes this idea and presents it as something exclusively individual. In their understanding, the hero is a specific person, and not a group of people that stands out among the rest of the population and denies existing concepts of morality. The Russian populists interpreted the concept of "hero" somewhat differently; in their view, national and group heroism is impossible without an illustrative example of an outstanding personality.

Step 5

Existentialists interpret the concept of "heroism" as opposed to the bourgeoisie. They do not distinguish between the hero as an individual and the heroism of a group of people or an entire nation. In Marxist-Leninist theory, heroism is the sacrifice of one's comfort for the common good.