Why Are Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Why Are Wisdom Teeth Removed?
Why Are Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Wisdom teeth in humans erupt in adulthood - at the age of 18-25 and later. Dentistry has a lot of reasons for removing the "eights". Each of them is a compelling indication for surgery. The final decision is made by the dentist, based on clinical indications, as well as the health and general condition of the human oral cavity.

Why are wisdom teeth removed?
Why are wisdom teeth removed?

Stunted growth

There are times when a wisdom tooth began to erupt, but over time, its growth has significantly slowed down. In dentistry, such a deviation is called retention. The tooth can be either partially visible or not visible at all due to the gum. The process of its slow growth causes severe pain, additional stress on the bone tissue and gums. In this case, the best solution would be to remove a wisdom tooth.

The slow growth of the G8 is dangerous due to various complications. The crown of such a tooth, located under the gum, is covered with a special bag. If the gap between the enamel of the tooth and the sac increases, it is filled with liquid. This can lead to the emergence of a follicular cyst, which will dissolve the bone tissue around the tooth "eight" and cause neurological pain in the jaw, purulent sinusitis and other diseases.


The inflammation and pain that accompanies the eruption of a wisdom tooth is normal if it occurs only at the beginning of the growth of the tooth. If the inflammation is permanent, this is another indication for the removal of a wisdom tooth.

Recurrent inflammations cause pericoronitis, which is accompanied by fever, severe pain when talking, eating, yawning, pus from the gingival hood, inflammation of the lymph nodes located under the lower jaw. To avoid the development of this disease, wisdom teeth should be removed.

Irregular root

If a wisdom tooth has an irregularly shaped root, it can cause serious damage to the surrounding gingival and dental tissues, as well as bone. Its curvature is not visible during normal examination and can only be accurately diagnosed after an X-ray.

"Eight" with a curved root as it grows, as it were, rests on the surface of the tooth located in the neighborhood. This can cause displacement of the dentition. "Crowding" of the teeth in the anterior upper and lower sections may be the result of precisely the wrong location of the root of the figure eight, which causes pressure on the entire row of teeth.

In addition, the displacement of teeth in the anterior jaw region significantly complicates oral hygiene, can cause plaque and tartar formation, and increases the likelihood of caries development.

Curved roots of a wisdom tooth can lead to retention. When it rests against a neighboring tooth, its growth stops automatically. However, in contrast to ordinary retention, an additional load is created in this case. "Eight" presses on the entire dentition and can lead to its deformation, and most of the wisdom tooth remains in the gum and can lead to serious inflammation.

Wrong position

If the erupting "eight" is bent or took the wrong position, it can lead to many complications. The most common ones are:

- such teeth are more prone to dental caries, as well as destruction;

- on such wisdom teeth, plaque accumulates more often and tartar appears;

- the tooth can cause increased bleeding or swelling of the gums;

- an incorrectly positioned tooth is capable of disrupting diction without taking part in the process of chewing food;

- such teeth cause frequent biting of the inner mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

There is a risk group, which includes patients with improperly grown or developing wisdom teeth, who are most susceptible to complications. In particular, these include:

- smokers;

- people who do not follow the rules of oral hygiene.

It should be understood that the timely detection of deformities of the wisdom tooth and its surgical removal will be of much greater benefit than long-term treatment of diseases that can be caused by an incorrectly grown "eight".

According to dentists, wisdom tooth extraction is much more painless and easier at an earlier age, i.e. up to 25-26 years old.
