The desire to look into the future is inherent in human nature. A person who turns to rune predictions receives timely information about upcoming events, using which he can avoid troubles and mistakes.

The history of the rune mantic
Initially, runes were used as a magical tool: for correcting situations, influencing fate, causing or eliminating harm. Rune symbols were used to decorate handles of weapons and household items, amulets and talismans were created.
The first to use runes for predictions were the advisers of the Scandinavian kings. Before every battle or important decision, the rulers turned to the magic of the runes for divination. Over time, interpreters of runic fortune-telling appeared in every village and city.
Features of fortune telling on the runes
The specificity of fortune-telling for the future with runes is that when reading the alignment, you can find out several options for the development of events, depending on the actions taken. The rune layout will show what will happen if you do not influence the situation in any way, will reveal the cause of the problem and tell you what you need to concentrate on, what actions should be taken to successfully get out of a difficult situation.
Runic layouts
The simplest and fastest in interpretation is the "Odin rune" alignment. The main requirement when using this layout is a clear formulation of the question. Only one bone is removed from the rune bag.
The rune, drawn at random, symbolizes the present and immediate future. The dropped symbol reflects the nature of the current situation or the state of a person. This method is suitable for making a forecast for the coming day.
If the answer can be given in the “yes-no” format, then the upright position of the sign is interpreted as “yes”, and the inverted image means “no”.
The Oracle Norn layout has mythological roots. According to ancient legends, the Norns (goddesses of fate) at the birth of each person choose three runes for him, which determine the past, present and future.
Having formulated the question or focusing on the image of a person, three runes are taken out of the bag in turn. The first rune describes a person's past or the root cause of the formation of the requested situation. The second rune reveals the real state of affairs in relation to a person or conceived events. The third rune predicts the future development of events in the fate of a person and the outcome of the process of interest.
The most complete picture of the future is demonstrated by the “Tree of 9 Worlds” layout. This kind of prediction is available only to experienced interpreters. Before fortune-telling, a special ritual is performed. Nine runes are laid out according to the Yggdrasil world tree.
With the help of fortune-telling on nine runes, a complete picture of a person's fate is revealed; when interpreting, the position of the symbols and the meaning of neighboring runes are taken into account. After reading the alignment, another rune is obtained, which confirms or refutes the interpretation of the prediction.